Weekly WOD Review 7/27/20
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
400m Run or 20/15 Cal Bike (ADV: 25/20)
15 Wall Balls (ADV: 20) (Beef: 25)
Rest 2 minutes
AMRAP in 10 Minutes
400m Row
5e DB Hang Clean and Jerk 45/25, 50/35 (Hate DB Folks: 8 95/65 Ground To Overhead)
15 DU or 30 Singles (ADV: 30 DU) (Beef: 50)
Every 90 seconds for 15 Minutes
2 Clean and Jerks or Snatches
(ADV/Beef: 5 Burpees or 20 DU + 2 Clean and Jerks or Snatches)
35m Overhead Plate Walking Lunge 35/15, 45/25, 55/35
403m Run
35m Overhead Plate Walking Lunge 35/15, 45/25, 55/35
30/25 Calorie Row
1000/750m Row
– into –
5 Rounds
6 Deadlifts (165/115) (185/125) (205/145) (225/155)
9 DB Shoulder To Overhead 40-45/20-25, 50/35, 50+/35+
12 Box Jumps Overs (Beef: 15)
– into –
800m Run (Beef: 1200m)
@ Some point, complete 200m Farmer Carry
9 Rounds
2:00 minute Clock/1:00 Rest b/t rounds
200m Run or Row Buy in then:
+Max Reps:
Round 1: Russian KB Swings 53/35, 70/44 (Beef: American 70/53)
Round 2: V-Ups or SItups or Ring Rows
Round 3: Thrusters (75/55, 95/65 or DB 45-50/25-30)
Round 4: KB Swings
Round 5: V-Ups or SItups or Ring Rows
Round 6: Thrusters
Round 7: KB Swings
Round 8: V-Ups or SItups or Ring Rows
Round 9: Thrusters
A.) Alternating EMOM for 18 Minutes
– 5 Front Squats From Ground (Across or Light Building throughout)
– Max Calories of choice at around 75-85% effort
– Rest or Plank Hold for :20-30 seconds
Choose 1 Option for time:
– 20 (ADV: 30) DBall over shoulders
– 20 (ADV: 30) Devil Press 35/20, 45/25, 50/35
– 20 (ADV: 30) Plate Burpees 25/10, 35/15, 45/25
– 210m Sled Push
– 800m Run
– 200m Odd Object Carry
Socially Distant Partner Saturday!
*One person rows 500m or Runs 400m, while other person AMRAPS. Switch when back.
AMRAP in 21 Minutes
3 Power Cleans 115/75, 135/95, 155/105
6/4 Pushups
9 Box Jumps
For Time
1000m/800m Row (ADV Female: 1000m) or 800m Run
200m Medball or DB Carry (Beef: both!)
@ Minute 10:00
Alternating EMOM for 12 minutes
Max Reps DB Snatch 45/25, 50/35 or Power Snatch 75/55
Max Reps Situps, V-Ups, or Plank Knee Tucks
Max Reps Wall Balls
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