Weekly WOD Review 6/17/19

For today’s first portion, the reps are small to allow for a quick rounds. The second portion will greatly be determined by your double under prowess. Choose a rep range that keeps the double unders or singles to under 45 seconds each attempt. The buy in should take roughly 3:30-5 minutes so you’ll have around 7-6 minutes of AMRAP time. Decide before hand how you’d like to approach this workout. You can push the buy ins hard to allow for more time, but starting the AMRAP a little more fatigued, or stay chill on the buy in and save the intensity for the AMRAP with shorter time. Either approach is fine, just expect how breathing and heart rate will feel differently.

ADV+Beef start with B and finish with A.

11 Minute Clock
Run 800m
AMRAP in time remaining:

3 Pullups (5) (5 C2B or 3/2 Ring or Bar MU)
6 Pushups (10/8) (12 or 6 HSPU)
9 Air Squats (15)

Rest 3 minutes

In 11 minutes, complete the following:
Row 800m Row (ADV+Beef: 1000m)
AMRAP in time remaining
10 DB Snatches 45/35, ADV: Alternating 50/35, Beef: 12 @ 50/35
10 Double Unders or 15 single unders (20) (30)


Today’s focus is a little different than Monday’s with no rest. Some running, lifting, and gymnastics. For rx’d, the reps and weight stay the same. While reps are ascending for other levels, if you’d like to keep a more flowing workout without a ton of drop off, you can do the rx’d version with a little heavier weight. Those who are extra comfy with ground to overhead and want to ascend the weight do the adv versions. You can adjust the weight to make it most appropriate for you, but I don’t want anyone going any heavier than those capped weights and am looking for no more than 5 weight changes. If you get another round in, you stay at that final weight again and do not go up.

A.) 6 Minute Alternating EMOM

-Low Body Endurance

AMRAP in 18 minutes
10 Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups (ADV: 7 T2B) (Beef: 10 T2B)
10 Ground to Overhead
Run OR Row 200m (ADV+Beef: 400m)

Rx’d 95/65
ADV: 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105
BEEF: 115/75, 135/95, 155/105, 165/115, 185/125

We’ve done this finisher several times as it is a solid benchmark of rowing capacity. I’ve included a new assault bike version. Good luck! 😉

A.) Front Squat

DB Bench Press

Compare 12/11/18, 1/4/17, 5/7/17
Death by 20m Row

men start at 140 meters and increase by 20m EMOM
ladies start at 120 meters and increase by 20m EMOM


Death By Assault Bike Calories
Start with 4 Calories, and add 2 reps EMOM until failure


ADV+Beef go backwards. (i.e Cal Machine, 3 rounds, Medball, 15-12-9, DONE)
15 Russian Swings 53/35, 70/44 (Beef: American 70/53)
15 Burpees (ADV+Beef: BFB)
15 Wall Balls (ADV: 21) (Beef: 27)
1 Rope Climb (2) (Beef: 1 Regional/Legless + 1 Regular)
12 Russian Swings
12 Burpees (ADV+Beef: BFB)
12 Wall Balls (ADV: 18) (Beef: 21)
1 Rope Climb (2) (Beef: 1 Regional/Legless + 1 Regular)9 Russian Swings
9 Burpees (ADV+Beef: BFB)
9 Wall Balls (ADV: 15) (Beef: 15)
1 Rope Climb (2) (Beef: 1 Regional/Legless + 1 Regular)
400m Medball Run
3 Rounds
10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
10 Box Jumps (12) (15)
30 Cal Any Machine (40) (50)

Every 90 sec for 15 minutes
2 Clean and Jerk or Snatches

AMRAP in 8 Minutes
10 Barbell Lunges 75/55, 95/65
1 Wall Walk (2 Wall Walks)
70m Farmer Carry 45/25, 50/35

AMRAP in 8 Minutes
10 DB Front Rack Lunges 50/35# (Bison: Mixed OH/Rack Lunge *One overhead, one in rack, switch however you want 50/35)
15ft HS Walk (Bison: 30 ft HSW)
70m Farmer Carry 50+/35+


Compare similar 1/5/18

6 Rounds:
200m Run
7 Deadlifts 95/65 (8@ 115/75)
6 Power Cleans (8@ 115/75)
5 pull ups (ADV C2B or 1 Bar or Ring MU)
*2 sled push @ some point before round 5 (45+25/45)
4 Rounds
403m Run
12 Deadlifts 135/95
12 Power Cleans 135/95 (Bison: Snatches 135/95)
Cash Out:
2 Rounds
12 C2B or 6 Bar or Ring MU (Bison: 8 Bar or RIng MU)
1 Sled Push (45+25/45)


A.) 6 Minute Alternating EMOM
-Low Body Endurance
Buy in: 50 Single Unders or (20 DU) (30 DU) (50 DU) (80 DU)
10-9-8-200m Row or Run
Hanging Knee Raises or V-Ups
Russian Swings 53/35, 70/44, (American: 70/53)
Thrusters 75/55, 95/65 (Beef: DB 50/35)
7-6-5-200m Row or Run
Hanging Knee Raises
Russian Swings
4-3-2-1-200m Row or Run
Hanging Knee Raises
Russian Swings
Cash Out: 50 Single Unders or (20 DU) (30 DU) (50 DU) (80 DU)
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