Weekly WOD Review 5/18/20
Mini Barbara 5’s (Murph Preppers)
3 Sets of 5 Minute AMRAPs:
6 Pull-Ups, Floor Pulls, Table Row, or DB Row (ADV: 10) (Beef: 20)
8/6 Push-Ups (ADV: 15) (Beef: 30)
10 Sit-Ups (ADV: 20) (Beef: 40)
12 Air Squats (ADV: 30) (Beef: 50)
2 Minutes Rest b/t rounds, start where you left off for one total score.
Mini Barbara 5’s (Murph Preppers)
3 Sets of 5 Minute AMRAPs:
6 Pull-Ups, Floor Pulls, Table Row, or DB Row (ADV: 10) (Beef: 20)
8/6 Push-Ups (ADV: 15) (Beef: 30)
10 Sit-Ups (ADV: 20) (Beef: 40)
12 Air Squats (ADV: 30) (Beef: 50)
2 Minutes Rest b/t rounds, start where you left off for one total score.
B.) 1 Minute after finishing part A,
– Max Odd Object OR Plank Hold
– Max Odd Object OR Plank Hold
Strength Option
Back Squat, Front Squat, or Deadlift
4×5 Across
*Add 10-15lbs to last 2 weeks 7’s
EMOM for 18 Minutes
– Max Reps DB Snatches 45/25, 50/35 or Barbell Snatches 75/55
– Max Calorie Row, 15 yard shuttle, or 100m Run :10 out and in
– Max Lateral Line Jumps, Double Unders, Box Jumps, DB Step Ups,
***Every OTHER Round (3 minutes), buy in each movement with a :20 second hold of choice (Plank, Wall Sit, Hollow Hold, Handstand Hold).
– Max Reps DB Snatches 45/25, 50/35 or Barbell Snatches 75/55
– Max Calorie Row, 15 yard shuttle, or 100m Run :10 out and in
– Max Lateral Line Jumps, Double Unders, Box Jumps, DB Step Ups,
***Every OTHER Round (3 minutes), buy in each movement with a :20 second hold of choice (Plank, Wall Sit, Hollow Hold, Handstand Hold).
4 Rounds
5 Minute Clock
400m Run 1:00 out, 1:00 in or 500m Row
12 DB or Barbell Deadlifts (Super Light Stuff: go 15)
9 DB or Barbell Hang Power Cleans (Super Light Stuff: go 12)
6 DB or Barbell Shoulder To Overhead (Super Light Stuff: go 9)
Max Burpees in time remaining
5 Minute Clock
400m Run 1:00 out, 1:00 in or 500m Row
12 DB or Barbell Deadlifts (Super Light Stuff: go 15)
9 DB or Barbell Hang Power Cleans (Super Light Stuff: go 12)
6 DB or Barbell Shoulder To Overhead (Super Light Stuff: go 9)
Max Burpees in time remaining
*Rest 2 minute b/t sets.
DB’s 35-45/15-25 (ADV: 45-50/30-35)
Barbell: 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
Barbell: 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
Strength Option
Oly Complex
A.) Every 90 Seconds for 15 Minutes
Chose one of the following
– 3 Position Power or Squat Cleans (Hip, Knee, Ground)
– 3 Position Power or Squat Snatch (Hip, Knee, Ground)
– 1 Clean + 2 Jerks x 2
7 Rounds
7/5 Pull-Ups, Floor Pulls, Table Row, or DB Row (ADV: C2B)
8 KB or DB Swings 53/35, 70/44, 70/53
9 KB or DB Goblet, or Dual Front Squats or Barbell FS 75/55, 95/65, 115/75
@ Any point during workout, perform ONE of the following before finishing
– Row 1600m (ADV: 2000m)
– Run 1 Mile or Roughly 4:00 out, 4:00 in (ADV: 1.5 Miles)
– Odd Object Carry 400-800 (weight dependent) 4:00 out, 4:00 in
Skills/Accessory EMOM
Alt EMOM for 6 Minutes
– Bulgarian Squats
– DB Z-Press or Pike Pushups or Holds of choice
“Annie’s Deviled Egg”
3 Rounds
400m Run (1:00 out, 1:00 in)
10 Devils Press 30-50/15-35 (ADV: 12)Rest 2 Minutes
“Annie’s Deviled Egg”
3 Rounds
400m Run (1:00 out, 1:00 in)
10 Devils Press 30-50/15-35 (ADV: 12)Rest 2 Minutes
Double Unders or Single Unders or Lateral Jumps (Each Side)
Situps, Plank Knee Tucks, or Russian Twists
Double Unders or Single Unders or Lateral Jumps (Each Side)
Situps, Plank Knee Tucks, or Russian Twists
20 Minute AMRAP
200m Row or Run (:30 out, :30 in)
6 DB Cleans 35-50/15-35 or Barbell Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
8e Plank Knee Tucks, V-Ups, Toes to bar or Pushups or HSPU
10 Wall Balls (ADV: 15) (Beef: 20) or Air Squats
50 Yard Odd Object/ Farmer Carry (roughly :20 out, :20 in)
200m Row or Run (:30 out, :30 in)
6 DB Cleans 35-50/15-35 or Barbell Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95
8e Plank Knee Tucks, V-Ups, Toes to bar or Pushups or HSPU
10 Wall Balls (ADV: 15) (Beef: 20) or Air Squats
50 Yard Odd Object/ Farmer Carry (roughly :20 out, :20 in)
3 Rounds
800m Row or 600m Run (ADV: 1000m Row or 800m Run)
12 Box Jumps (ADV: 15)
12 DB Snatches, DB or Swings, or Thrusters
-Rest 2 minutes-
DB Snatches 45/25, 50/35,
Swings 53/35, 70/44, 70/53
DB Thrusters 35-50/15-35
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