Weekly WOD Review 5/14/18

You guys will be pretty busy during your strength session today. As you’re working on your front squats, you’ll be getting some pulling and core skills in. Overall, you guys will have 25:00 minutes to compete your strength and accessories. It’s totally up to you how you want to work through the first half of class, but try and stay moving and working! Part b is short and simple. My intent was not to take anything away from the first part of class, so movements are simple and time domain is short. With that criteria, all you guys have to do is focus on intensity and keeping that heart rate up.
Front Squat
Pulling Skills – Pick 1
3 x 1-8 Strict Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
3 x 8-12 SA DB Rows
3 x 8-12 Ring Rows (Elevated) (Weighted)
Core Work – Pick 1
3 x :20-:30 Dead Bugs (Hollow Hold)
3 x :20-:30 GHD Prone Hold (Weighted)
3 x :30-:30 Plank (Weighted)
7:00 AMRAP
7 Air Squats (10) (10 DB Squats 50/35)
7 Burpees (10) (10 Lateral Facing DB Burpees)
You guys have a lot of options for this workout. Mix and matching is totally recommended so that each level finishes within the same time domain. Feel free to ask a coach to get you to the right stimulus. As a reference, my goal is to keep the workout somewhere between 15:00 and 18:00. If you’re one that likes to track your time/round that ends up being 3:45 – 4:30/round.
4 Rounds
403m Run
10 Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (7 Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar) (15 Toes to Bar)
10 Box Jump Overs (Beef: No Step Ups) (Bison: 15 Box Jump Overs/No Step Ups)
10 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 95/65 115/75 (*15 SA DB Shoulder to Overheads 50/35)
*SA DB Shoulder to Overheads must alternate hands every 5 reps
The focus of today’s workout will be on overall volume, and that is why the barbell is light and relatively small. I want you guys to pick a wall ball rep scheme that you can do in no more than 2 sets and a barbell weight you can do either unbroken or in no more than 2 sets as well. In addition to the focus being on overall volume, try and continue to move throughout the entire time domain. Nothing should keep you stuck and slow you down!
10:00 AMRAP
12 Wall Balls (15)
12 Power Cleans 75/55 95/65 (15 reps at 95/65)
70m DB + KB Farmer Carry ~44/25 ~53/35 ~70/55
– rest 2:00 –
7:00 AMRAP
9 Wall Balls (12)
9 Power Cleans 75/55 95/65 (12 reps at 115/75)
70m DB + KB Farmer Carry ~44/25 ~53/35 ~70/55
For those that want to get more practice in with the squat clean, opt for the “doubles” version. More practice = more reps = get better faster! Feel free to ask any of the coaches to record some lifts for some external feedback. Sometimes what we “feel” during a rep isn’t exactly what’s going on. If you move well with the squat clean and have been getting some volume work in lately, you’re more than welcome to choose the “singles” version. For that, you’ll spend 10:00 or so working up to 85-90% of you 1rm. You’ll treat this EMOM as a “sets across” day. The goal is to get you moving consistently at moderate to heavy weight.
Every 1:00 for 12:00
2 Squat Cleans
1 Squat Clean at ~85-90%
For Time:
603m MB Carry (800m) (1203m)
200m Run (403m) (603m)
*10:00 Time Cap
Try and work for the entire :45 for each movement. A lot of times, during a “FGB” Style workout, it’s easy to stop 10 seconds short to allow for transition. In this case, your transition is built in! It’ll be a challenge, but try and keep it going for the full :45! I think you guys will surprise yourselves for the best.
20:00 Alt EMOM
1) :45 Cal Row
2) :45 DB Snatches 45/25 50/35 (Alt 50+/35+)
3) :45 Burpees
4) 1:00 Rest
*Adv and Beef: Reverse Order (Burpees -> DB Snatches -> Row)
Try and look at part B as a 14:00 AMRAP, sometimes it’s easy to get overwhelmed when we see an 18:00 workout, but break it down and it’s really only 14:00! The row should take roughly around 4 minutes, and each level well be rowing at different points of the workout. All levels will return to the AMRAP when they are finished with the row portion. Break up the pull ups/chest to bars/muscle ups BEFORE you need to. Barbell movements should be something you can hold on to for ALL the reps no matter where you’re at in the workout. As for the box jumps, try and catch your breath and get your heart rate back down here! Other than that, buckle in for a good one!
A) Skill Session
8:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1-5 Push Ups (Ring Push Ups) (Ring Dips or Handstand Push Ups)
2) :20-:30 Dead Bugs (Hollow Hold) (Weighted Hollow Hold)
8:00 AMRAP
10 Cal Row/Bike/Ski
7 4″/2″ Def HSPU or 30′ HS Walk
18:00 AMRAP
6 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
9 Front Squats 95/65 115/75 (Squat Snatch 155/105)
12 Box Jumps (Beef: No Step Ups)
RxD: Buy in with 1000m/750m Row
Adv: 1000m Row at 7:00
Beef: 1000m Row at 13:00
*all levels return to AMRAP when finished with row
Not much to this workout. I wrote this with the intent to keep all levels moving and sweating on a Sunday. The overall volume is very low, so just keep moving! Focus on managing your heart rate since the movements aren’t too complex.
603m Run (800m)
21 Wall Balls
603m Run (800m)
21 KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
403m Run
15 Wall Balls
403m Run
15 KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
200m Run
9 Wall Balls
200m Run
9 KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
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