Weekly WOD Review 2/18/19

For your time trial today, pick an option that will take you 8:00 – 12:00. We haven’t done one of these longer time trials in a while, so now is a good time to get another solid base! At the 15:00 mark you will start the 9:00 AMRAP, so try and have everything situated so that you can just rest once your time trial is over. All the reps are relatively on the shorter on, so you guys will be racking up rounds quickly. Try to manage your heart rate and not get too carried away in the beginning because 9:00 is in that “awkward” time domain that isn’t short or long! Focus on driving with your legs during the DB Snatches, then keep those shoulders relaxed on the jump rope. Enjoy this one everyone, it’s gonna be a solid burn.
0:00 –
Time Trial: (Pick 1)
1 Mile Run (1.5 Mile)
2k Row (3k)
100/75 Cal Bike (100 Cals)
15:00 –
9:00 AMRAP
10 DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt 50/35) (Power Snatch 75/55)
10 Double Unders -or- 30 Single Unders (25) (35)
For today’s strength session, try and be aware of how everything is feeling (ie. fast, light, heavy, slow, etc…) and take note of it on Beyond the Whiteboard or in your notebooks. When we return to this workout in the future, try and compare how the lifts felt rather than always trying to beat your numbers. It’s a different way to “compare” but trying to make your olympic lifts feel better and better each go around will yield bigger numbers in the future!
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Clean & Jerks
Adv: 1 Clean & Jerks ~80-85%
Push Press 75/55 95/65 115/75
Box Jump Overs
*Adv and Beef: 21-15-9
Please do not fear the 30:00 AMRAP! The AMRAP is broken up nicely with a Run or Row every 5:00. Similar to earlier this week, reps are relatively low so that you guys can just keep moving and sweating! For you Adv and Beefy folks, the reps are considerably lower than what you may be used to. With that being said, for you guys, your focus will be on controlling your heart rate while racking up your rounds.
To break this workout down a bit further, the cardio portions should take no more than 2:30, and a good goal would be to get 1+ rounds in each go. Settle in to this one everyone, you guys should feel like you can hold a conversation through 80% of the workout.
30:00 AMRAP
10 Wall Balls
8 KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
6 Burpees
At the following times complete:
0:00 – 400m Row
5:00 – 403m Run
10:00 – 400m Row
15:00 – 403m Run
20:00 – 400m Row
25:00 – 403m Run
Alt Every 1:00 for 6:00
1) :30 Pulling or Pressing Focus
2) :30 Core Focus
1-5 Muscle Ups -or- 10′-50′ HS Walks
Pulling Movements:
Ring Row
Chin Over Bar
Inverted Row
Pressing Movements:
DB Overhead Hold (2 DBs)
Handstand Hold
Ring Support
Core Movements:
Plank (Rings)
L-Sit Hold (rings, box, parallettes)
Hollow Hold
Alt Every 1:00 for 20:00
1) Max Cals any Machine
2) Max Single Arm DB Hang Clean & Jerks 45/25 50/35
3) Max Hanging Knee Raises -or- Sit Ups (Toes to Bar)
4) 1 Rope Climb (2) (2 Short Rope)
5) 70m Sled Push 35/15
Now that we’ve finished a solid 6 week tempo phase, you may have noticed that we are transitioning back to a more traditional strength session. Last week we got some Back Squats in, today you’ll have the opportunity to get your Front Squats in and see if the tempo work helped out a bit. Use this day to get a solid base for future squat sessions.
Your finisher today will be a nice quick burner. Try and go slow and controlled on the box jumps, use this time to lower your heart rate or keep it down. The thrusters will spike your heart rate so be prepared for that, there is not way to avoid it. Once the heart rate goes up, stay calm and focus on good squats in order to efficiently take the barbell overhead in the thruster. You guys are going to do great!
Front Squat
Single Arm DB -or- KB Row
3 x 10/arm
3 Rounds
10 Box Jumps
10 Thrusters 75/55 95/65 115/75
The overall volume is relatively the same from the RxD to the Adv version. The focus is a little bit different though. The RxD version is broken up nicely so that you won’t be spending too much time on any one movement. Whereas the Adv version you’ll be dealing with a bit more reps at a time and you’ll be forced to manage your muscle fatigue as well as heart rate. Talk with a coach if you’re still not sure on which version would be best for you, everyone is different!
Alt Every 1:00 for 6:00
1) :30 Pulling or Pressing Focus
2) :30 Core Focus
1-5 Muscle Ups -or- 10′-50′ HS Walks
Pulling Movements:
Ring Row
Chin Over Bar
Inverted Row
Pressing Movements:
DB Overhead Hold (2 DBs)
Handstand Hold
Ring Support
Core Movements:
Plank (Rings)
L-Sit Hold (rings, box, parallette
4 Rounds
403m Run
10 Deadlifts 115/75
15 Double Unders -or- 30 Single Unders
3 Rounds
800m Run
15 Deadlifts 115/75
35 Double Unders
3 Rounds
800m Run
20 Deadlifts 135/95
55 Double Unders
5 Rounds
1:00 Max Cals any Machine
1:00 KB Swings 53/25 (Power Cleans 95/65) (Power Cleans 115/75)
– rest 3:00 –
5 Rounds
1:00 Goblet Squats 53/35 (Front Squats 95/65) (Front Squats 115/75)
1:00 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
*Adv and Beefy: Start with Part B
No OPEN prep!?!? Lol!