Weekly WOD insights 9/7/20
I like to call workouts like these “Monday Movers.” Theres nothing flashy about them, no crazy movements, you just put in some simple and effective work. I like starting the week with these just to kind of get back into the swing of things and give yourself a little bit of movement momentum.
5 rounds
403m Run
10 Burpees (adv 15) (18 Burpee box Jump overs)
12 Box Jump overs (15) (Beef just does BBJO)
*Accumulate 210m of sled pushes or D-ball/sandbag carry*
Sled weight 25/0 45/25 90/50

If you have been paying attention to the last couple of weeks then you have noticed that I have been including split squats. Unilateral training is very beneficial in terms of developing lower body strength and power, and is often neglected when it comes to CrossFit. This week we will be working with the back stepping lunge which is just a slightly more dynamic progression of the split squat. The goal is to still be able to control the weight throughout the entire movement so choose your weight appropriately. Be sure to get in some warm up sets and treat this strength session as you would any other one. For the finisher, you’ll be doing partner intervals (from a distance of course)! We have enough equipment for everyone to have their own rower or bike, or you can opt for the run as well. If we do end up with an odd number of people in a class it’s no problem. You will still be able to get an effective interval style workout in.
A.) Alternate Every 90 seconds for 12 minutes
-8 ea side Back Stepping lunges (DB/KB/BB)
-:40s-1min Forearm plank (adv weighted forearm plank) (Beef Weighted hollow hold)
B.) Partner from a distance
Cardio intervals
Choose one of the following

Grab a buddy (stay six feet apart) and get after it today! Note this photo was taken pre covid.
10x 200m Row
10x 200m Run
10x 500m Assault Bike
*Partners alternate every interval. Don’t share equipment! Score total time*
Solo dolo version
5x 200m Run or row
5x 500m Assault bike
*Rest :45s between each interval*
Today we have a fight gone bad style workout where you are continually working the entire time. The previous day might have had you on a machine so you will want to opt for a different machine or if you are savvy runner, opt for a 200m run if you’d prefer that! Keep track of your total reps (not counting the farmer carry) that will be your score for today.
20 minute alternating emom
1- Max shoulder to overhead 75/55 (95/65) (115/75 or 40/20) (135/95 or 50/35)
2- Max sit ups, tuck ups, v-ups (Adv toes to bar)
3- Max calories
4- 70m Farmers carry 45/25 (50/35) (55+/40+)
I have used this triple amrap format before and am always pleased with the intensity it yields. Today you’ll be doing a lot of work with the KB (unless you opt for the bison barbell option). I always like getting to use the Kettlebells, they’re extremely versatile and provide unique challenges and benefits. If doubles aren’t your jam, I would opt to do double unders for part A and then switch to singles for Part B to get better intensity overall. One thing to keep in mind when you are doing the kettlebell swing is that all the power should really be coming from your hips, check out the video below that touches on some helpful tips on how to have a better kettlebell swing.
A.) 8 Minute amrap
8 Goblet Squats 53/35) (70/53) (Beef front squat 95/65) (115/75)
10 Double unders or 30 single (20) (40)
200m run or row
-1min of rest-
B.) 8 Minute amrap
10 Russian Kb swings 53/35 (70/44) (12 american swings) (10 power clean 95/65) (115/75)
10 Double unders or 30 singles (20) (40)
200m run or row
-1min rest-
C.) 4 min amrap
8 Goblet squats 53/35 (70/53) ( front squat 95/65) (115/75)
10 Russian Kb swings 53/35 (70/44) (12 american swings) (10 power clean 95/65) (115/75)
This week you will have the opportunity to work on just your cleans. We have been hitting clean and jerks the past couple of weeks so I wanted to switch back over to just cleans for this week to give those the attention they need. The finisher should be a quick and spicy one. Anytime you get dumbbell snatches and burpees together its usually a recipe for an intense workout!
A.) 12 minute emom
2 cleans or snatches
B.) For time
27 Dumbbell snatches 45/25 (50/35) (alt 50+/35+)
10 Down ups (adv Burpee) (Beef lateral burpee over the DB)
21 Dumbbell snatches
10 Down ups
15 Dumbbell snatches
10 Down ups
9 Dumbbell snatches
10 Down ups
This is very similar to a workout I programmed two weeks ago. People seemed to enjoy the format a lot and I was pleased with how it played out so I wanted to bring it back but just slightly adjust the intensity. The last time was just a straight 24 minutes of work. I want people to push a bit more since there is that built in rest.
24 minute clock

Roy is excited about getting that minute of rest!
Alternate between
2 minute max cals any machine
-1minute of rest-
2 minute amrap of
8 Hang power cleans 95/65 (adv 115/75) (135/95 or hang power snatch 95/65)
10 Box jumps
-1minute rest-
*Pick up where you left off each time on amrap*
I know friday/saturday is pretty hammy heavy so I wanted to try working in some barbell rows so people can get some pull work in without having to use a hinge movement. For the bent over barbell rows Ideally they’d just use the weight they will front squat but if they need to make it a bit lighter I am cool with that as long as they have their weight change for the squats at the ready.
3 rounds

Honey says have a great week!
403m run
14/10 Push ups (18/12) (Beef 8/5 HSPU) (12/9)
8-12 Bent over Barbell rows 95/65 115/75 135/95 (adv 4-10 Strict pull ups)
-Immediately into-
3 rounds
Row 500/400m or Assault bike 25/20 cals
14 Sit ups, tuck ups, v-ups (8 Toes to bar) (14)
12 Front squats 95/65 115/75 (16 @ 135/95 or 50/35)
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