Weekly WOD Insights 8/26/19


A while back you guys had said you wanted to re-test workouts. I wanted to give you all the opportunity to do so and utilized a workout that has been a pretty big hit. There are a couple of compare to dates so be sure to check those to give you an idea of what you want to be shooting for. If you haven’t made it in for those dates, no worries you’ll still have a great workout! Also take note of the planned stretch session for after class!


**Compare 9/24/18, 2/26/19**

Remember to always break parallel on your squat cleans….or else Bri won’t make funny faces!

A.) 7 min amrap 
6 squat cleans 95/65 (adv 115/75) (beef 135/95)
6 Burpees (adv Bar facing Burpees)
10 Double unders or 25 singles (adv 20) (Beef 40)


-Rest :90s-


B.) 6 min Amrap 
9 Power Cleans 95/65 (adv 115/75) (beef 135/95)
9 Burpees (adv Bar facing)


-Rest :90s-


C.) 5 Min Amrap 
12 Deadlifts 95/65 (adv 115/75) (beef 135/95)
10 Double unders or 25 singles (adv 20) (Beef 40)


D.) 5ish minute stretch sesh 


Since we worked the hang in last week I wanted to work it in again while it’s still fresh in everybody’s minds. Take note that we will be doing clean and jerks though, and not just cleans.


A.) Every 90 Seconds for 15 minutes 
1 Hang Clean and Jerk + 1 Clean and Jerk


B.) 3 Rounds 
15 Wall Balls (adv 20)
70m Farmer Carry 45/25 50/35


Beef version 
30 wall balls
70m Cross body (1 KB OH + 1 DB suitcase)  carry ~53/35
25 Wall Balls
70m Cross Body (1 KB OH + 1 DB suitcase) carry 53/35
20 Wall Balls
70m Cross body (1 KB OH + 1 DB suitcase) carry 53/35



Remember that these little planned Emoms at the start of class are excellent opportunities to build foundational strength through a variety of mediums. Take them serious and you’ll find that you’ll start improving your strength and can expand your movement library as well. Todays met con is a great opportunity to mix and match for those of you who like running but may not love the heavier barbell, or vice versa!


A.) 6 min alt Emom 
1-Ring Work
2-Static Core


B.) 3 rounds 
603m Run (adv 800m)
12 Box Jump Overs (adv 15) (Beef 18)
10 Deadlifts 135/95 (adv 185/135) (Beef 15 @ 185/135)


-Rest :90s between rounds-


*Score total time, including rest*


Grunt work type movements to me are always super fun. Its stuff we don’t get to do very often but always presents a unique challenge. Feel free to stick with one thing or mix and match a couple of things to get a little more variety in there!


20 Minute alternating Emom 
1- Grunt work
2- Dumbbell Snatch 45/25 (adv 50/35 or Kb snatch 53/35) (Beef alternating 50+/35+)
3-Wall Sit (adv goblet loaded 35+/26+) (Beef single leg wall sit, no weight added)
4- Max Calories any machine


Grunt work options
-DBall or Sandbag cleans
-Dball or sandbag carry 70m
-Sled push 70m 45/25
-Static yoke hold (front or back rack)
-Mixed rack carries (suitcase + front rack or frontrack + overhead) 70m
-Stone to shoulder
-Tire flips
-Rope Climb



The last time we back squatted we did 5’s (8/16/19) , so you should have a pretty good idea of what you’ll be able to do fro your fours today, if you made it in to class that day. The accessory pulling will be with a supinated grip since we tend to perform most of our pulling and barbell movements with a pronated grip. Todays met con is a great opportunity for those of you who are on the cusp of nailing down your higher skill gymnastics in met cons. The reps aren’t overwhelming and the run will help prevent the fatigue from settling in too early.


A.) Back Squat 


A2.) Supinated Barbell Row (Adv see-saw row)
3x 8 side (adv 8 ea side)


B.) 4 rounds 
8/6 Push ups (rx’d+ 10/8) (Adv 6/4 HSPU or ring dips) (Beef 6 strict HSPU or ring dips)
6 pull ups (adv 10 PU or 6 C2B) (Beef 3 BMU or RMU) (Bison 6 BMU or RMU)
200m Run


Todays a partner workout! Grab your friend or frienemy (Im looking at you Seth!) and get after it. Theres no prescribed way of breaking up the work so you guys can strategize however you would like! If you end up hitting this one solo, no worry. The solo version should still give you some pretty good intensity!


21 Minute Partner Amrap 
10 KB swings 53/35 (adv 8 hang cleans @ 95/65) (Beef 115/75) (Bison 135/95)
12 Wall Balls (adv 16) (Beef 20)
10 Box Jumps (adv 12) (Beef 14)


*at min 0, 7, 14 perform a 403 mb carry, both partners must go*
**both must be back before continuing amrap**


Solo Version
2 cycles
9 Min Amrap 


10 KB swings 53/35 (adv 8 hang cleans @ 95/65) (Beef 115/75) (Bison 135/95)
12 Wall Balls (adv 16) (Beef 20)
10 Box Jumps (adv 12) (Beef 14)


-Rest 2 minutes-


*must buy in with a 403m MB carry on each amrap*
**Pick up where they left off for second amrap**

Costumes are not required but are always encouraged. Most importantly just have fun!


I would highly encourage you all to try some new movements with the kettlebells. They’re a fun training tool and you can do so much more with them than just swings! Remember when you are on the bike path to check over your shoulder before turning around, especially since you’ll have some weight in your hands. There are lots of bikers out there, especially on the weekend!


A.) 6 min alt Emom 
1- Ring work
2- Kb work


B.) 4 rounds
8 Burpees (adv Bar facing) (Beef 10 Bar facing)
8 Power Cleans 95/65 (adv 10 @ 115/75) (Beef 10 @ 135/95)


-200m Farmer carry-
40/20    50/30    55+/35+


C.) 3 Rounds 
Cal Row 14/12 (adv 16) (Beef 18) or Assault Bike cal 10/8 (12) (14)
12 Hanging Knee raises (7 T2B) (Beef 10 Toes to Bar)


**Adv and Beef start with part C**
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