Weekly WOD insights 8/23/21: We will miss you Braydan!
For todays finisher you will want to select a barbell weight that you are able to cycle comfortably. If you are interested in learning how to, or working on your snatch, today wold be a good option to do so. Scale back the weight as you need to to be able to snatch with optimal technique. If you’re still newer to snatching, let your coach know you’re interested in working on this skill and we will help you refine your technique! With the rounds being on the shorter side, aim to push the pace and to sustain whatever pace you set from the get go.
A.) 12 Minute EMOM
2 Clean and Jerks or Snatches
Adv option
1 Clean and Jerk or Snatch
B.) 5 Rounds
200m run or Row
8 Power Cleans 95/65 (115/75) (Power Snatch) (power snatch 135/95)
15 Air squats (Jumping air squats)

Today is a fair amount of pulling with the dumbbell snatches and hanging knee raises/toes to bar. If you are someone who fatigues easily with pulling movements, consider opting for the bike instead of the rower today. It will be longer than the rower but will not fatigue the pulling muscles like the row will.
20 Minute amrap
12 Dumbbell snatch 45/25 (Alt 50/35) (15 alt 50/35)
8 Goblet Squats 45/25 (10 @ 50/35) (12 Single arm DB thrusters @ 50/35)
10 Hanging knee raises (4 T2B) (8 T2B)
15/12 Cals machine (18/15) (21) (24)

I was surprised but also pleased with how many people enjoyed last week’s more aerobic accessory style amrap. I wanted to bring back the style while offering a few new pieces in this week’s version. The goal of this style of workout is to work on some of the things that we don’t get to work on too often in our normal workouts. Stuff like strict pressing, static core work, and strict pulling are all vital to your fitness, but often don’t get worked into our normal workouts. Keep in mind that the pace of todays workout should be very different than a normal met con. You should walk away from todays workout feeling like you got a sweat in, but you should NOT be on the floor completely exhausted. The strength building type movements should not be pushed to that intensity, as thats not the intended effect of them.
25 Minute Vancessory amrap
6-12 Barbell or Dumbbell Strict press (choose load)
6-12 Pull ups
:30-:45s Static Core or 70m Odd Object Carry
Run 403, Row 500/400, Bike 1000m/800m
Static Core options
Forearm Plank (Adv Weighted)
Tuck hollow hold (Adv hollow)
Hanging tuck hold (Adv hanging L hold)
Carry options
Yoke Carry
Farmer Carry (DB or Bars)
Rounding out our tempo cycle I am repeating the same format from two weeks ago. Check back to the listed date if you were here for the squats that day. If you remember the squats feeling not too challenging then go ahead and bump up the weight by a few pounds. If you remember last weeks feeling very challenging, then do the same weight and aim to make the sets feel smoother. For todays finisher keep in mind it is an ascending amrep, which means you will be doing the largest sets when you are the most fatigued. Knowing that, you want to pace the workout early on and make sure that you do not hit the gas too early in the workout.
A.) Back Squat/ Front Squat
/Overhead Squat/ Deadlift
* 4 second descend on every rep *
** Compare to 8/12/21 **
B.) 9 Minute Ascending amrep
3 Down ups (adv Burpee) (Bar facing or lateral over DB)
3 Barbell Lunges 75/55 95/65 (115/75 or 40/20) (135/95 or 50/35)
6 Down ups
6 Barbell lunges
9 Down ups
9 Barbell lunges
Through the 15’s= 90 reps
Through 18’s= 126
Through 21’s= 168
Through 24’s= 216

Too many pics of Braydan? Too Bad!
5 rounds
200m run or row or 500/400m Bike
12 Russian Kettlebell swings 53/35 (15 @ 70/44) (15 am swings 70/44)
10 Box Jump overs (Beef 15)
200m run or row or 500/400m Bike
-Rest 1 minute between rounds-
One of our favorite sweat shop couples is getting married today! Chanel and Colby are tying to knot today and in honor of their big day I have written this workout. Colby sent me a list of some of his favorite movements and I did my best to incorporate them into a fun, but still challenging workout. The original version I wrote was the Adv+ version, which has 8 movements (not including the runs) ad 28 reps of each thing. Hence the name 8/28 😏 .
8/28, Save the Date!
800m run or 1000/800m row or 2000/16000m Bike
2 rounds
14 Double unders (28)
14 Hanging knee raises (T2B)
14 Shoulder to overhead 75/55 (95/65)
14 Power cleans
14 Wall balls
14 Deadlifts
14 Burpees
400m run or 500/400m row or 1000/800m bike
Adv+/ Beef/Bison Version
800m run or 1000/800m row or 2000/16000m Bike
28 Double unders (50) (100)
28 Toes to bar
28 Shoulder to overhead 95/65 115/75
28 Power cleans
28 Wall balls
28 Deadlifts
28 Burpees (Beef Bar facing)
28 Double unders (50) (100)
800m run or 1000/800m row or 2000/16000m Bike

The soon to be newleyweds!
You’ll notice across the board everyone is doing sit ups, or a variation of the sit up. I am not offering toes to bar or hanging knee raises partially because they were in yesterdays workout, but also because I firmly believe that sit up ups and their progressions can actually be better for midline development.
20 Minute amrap
Single dumbbell hang clean and jerk 45/25 (50/35) (55+/35+)
Single Dumbbell lunge (Beef 2 DB, match clean and jerk weight)
Sit ups, tuck ups, v ups
*At the end of the 12’s perform calories*
Rx’d- 16/12
Adv- 20/15
Beef- 24/18

Im going to miss this kid! Although not much of a kid now….have you seen his six pack?! Geez!
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