Weekly WOD Insights 7/2/18
I am very happy to put out my first official week of programming to the gym! I worked hard on coming up with what I thought would be the best fit for this weeks workouts and would really love feedback from anyone. Throughout the week let me know if you loved a workout, hated it, or thought something could have been improved! I promise it will not hurt my feelings and I want to learn as much as possible so I can put out the best possible product for all of you! Hope you all enjoy!
Yes. Deadlifts have worked their way back into our strength. I think that working on hinging strength can have a lot of benefit and crossover to other movements. It also gives an opportunity to work on a gymnastics skill or midline development in one EMOM. I remember we used to do lots of these kinds of Deadlift EMOMS and I think they can provide a lot of benefit to people. If you decide to work on your handstands be sure that you catch your breath after being inverted before going back to the deadlift. For the finisher its meant to be short and sweet. The goblet squats will provide a different challenge for the upper back and midline as opposed to a barbell squat. For Beefy folks, the burpees over the kettlebell can be lateral or forward over. If you are still working on double unders be sure to not spend any more than 4o seconds on each set.
Grab a partner and buckle up. We rarely go over 20+ minutes in AMRAPS so I wanted to take this opportunity to do so to go a bit longer! This will ideally be a partner workout to keep the intensity higher and minimize muscle fatigue. I kept the dumbbell movements a bit lighter due to the single arm shoulder to overhead which can be deceptively tough. Only go Bison if your goal is to get better at kettlebell movements, otherwise just stick with the dumbbell. If you are doing the solo version go ahead and do the same workout but make sure you do three 403m runs (adv. does 403m med ball carries) at some point during the 25 minutes! I would recommend spending extra time warming up your non dominant arm as that tends to be the tougher side on the single arm movements.
Happy fourth!! Remember there is open gym from 9-10 am!
I want to persuade people to just stick to lifting on this day. I programmed this day to back squats and a few accessory movements without a met con because having a day purely focused on lifting can have a lot of benefit to overall strength improvements. The accessory movements will be done after you are done with the back squats. It can still leave you feeling satisfied like you got a full workout in. You do not HAVE to end every strength session with a high intensity finisher. If you cannot detach yourself from not doing a metcon after the strength portion, you can forego the accessory movements (part B’s) and perform the optional met con.
With the olympic lifting being 2 reps in an EMOM fashion it might elevate the heart rate a bit more than usual so be sure to take note of that, especially if you are doing Clean and Jerks. Usually we give the option of doing one rep on the minute for advanced folks but I wanted our experienced lifters to lift under a little fatigue as well. For the finisher I programmed in the sled pushes because I think they are a great tool to achieve a high level of intensity. I also think if we do them semi-frequently it will prevent us getting super sore from them. I decided to pair the sled pushes with some gymnastics movements so we can still get some gymnastic pull work in under fatigue. In observance of the gymnastic movements I cut down the sled reps from our usual format. Be sure to rest AT LEAST 90 seconds between efforts. The rest starts as soon as you are done with your pull ups.
A.) Every Minute on The Minute for 12 minutes
2 Clean & Jerks or Snatches
For Saturday I wanted a nice and simple WOD so I kept it to some fundamental movements. I know people’s posterior chains might be a bit sore from the sleds but I am hoping the deadlifts will be light enough where it won’t cause any problems for low back soreness. Be sure to gauge your weight based off your shoulder to overhead ability and not your deadlift ability as the S2O will definitely be the limiter here! On the double unders don’t spend any longer than :45 seconds on each set so you can keep the intensity high! I would also suggest not waiting till the end to complete the rope climbs (especially in a big class) as it might cause some traffic jams.
I did a very similar workout to this one a few weeks ago and I thoroughly enjoyed it so I wanted to bring the fun to the Sweat Shop! The goal for each of these mini WODs is to treat it like a sprint. Definitely try to push the pace and be a bit more aggressive than usual on how you break things up, since the workouts are short and you’ll get rest in between them to recover. Aim to complete each couplet in seven minutes or less to achieve that sprint stimulus. Be sure to keep track of your times for each portion as they will be scored individually. Also keep track of your rest time as you’ll be responsible for knowing when to rest and when to start again!
You’re off to a good start. I thoroughly enjoyed today’s EMOM. Lones and I were saying we miss deadlifting. Workout B was good as well. Looking forward to the partner WOD tomorrow.
dude…. heavy deads would be programmed the one week I’m out on vacation.
So glad to see you programming DJ! Looking forward to Sunday’s workout as I will be finally back from traveling! And I LOVE any workout with deadlifts! Keep them coming please!