Weekly WOD Insights 1/21/19

Today’s workout is not meant to be 21 minutes of hell. The running/rowing portions are a bit long on purpose as I want there to be enough “constant moving” opportunities to keep the heart rate moderate yet in control throughout. Choose a squat version and weight that will allow you to be relaxed and unbroken through for a majority of the workout. Add intensity anywhere you’d like to push it, however, just like any 21 minute workout, you’ll want to pace it to have some juice at the end. The reason for the different gymnastical beef versions is to put equal importance on each. While one might be more fun for you to do, which is completely fine if you always choose one, muscle ups are no better than pullups and vice versa. Keep working on both. Note that the second cardio portion can be done at any point after the buy-in but before time expires. I would finish it sooner rather than later, but for those of you who like to live on the edge and save it to the last minute, reference your row/run time trials for a gauge of how much time you think you’ll need.

AMRAP in 21 minutes
10 Front or Overhead Squats 75/55, 95/65, 115/75
5 Pullups (ADV: C2B) (Beef: 8 C2B or 6/4 Bar or 4/2 Ring Muscle Ups)
15 Double Unders or 30 Single Unders (ADV: 25) (Beef: 35)

Rx’d: Buy in with 1000m/800m Row AND @ any point after the row: Run 800m.
ADV+Beef: Buy in with 800m Run AND @ some point after the run: Row 1000m

Static holds are the new in. Event though they’ve never been out. These will not only help develop strength in certain portions of gymnastics movements, they help develop endurance as well. Keep note of part B’s rest periods. The intention here is interval in nature; around a 2:1 work to rest ratio. The intensity should be higher than you would attack this workout with no rest. The score will be total time but doing some timing math at the end can give you some nice intel on how well you can managed all 7 rounds across the board.

Alternating EMOM for 6 minutes
– :20-30s hollow variation hold (deadbug, one foot out), hollow hold,
– :20-30s Pushup Plank Hold , Ring Plank, Handstand Hold, L-Sit

7 Rounds
200m Run, 200m Row, or 12/10 Cal Bike
10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, Bison: 10 Double DB STO 50/35
10 Hanging Knee Raises or Situps (ADV: 6 T2B) (Beef: 10 T2B)
-Rest 1 minute per round-

This week’s OLY session will have a little extra focus on the first pull using the halt on the first rep. The halt gives you an opportunity to improve positional awareness. The slight pause can also help you ensure that the legs are “on” during that bottom part of the lift. It’s key doing that halt to still mimic the speed on your regular none-halted ascents. Don’t simply lift it off the ground anyway you can just to get to the halt. It’s common in folks that rip the barbell off of the floor in bad position are typically not loaded and active down there. Think about staying tight in the upper portion of the body, and spread the floor with the whole foot before pulling the bar off the ground.

EMOM for 12 minutes
1 Halt (knee) Squat Clean or Snatch + 1 Squat Clean or Snatch

5 Rounds
10 Wall Balls (ADV: 12) (Beef: 15)
5 Power Cleans 95/65, 115/75 135/95, 165/115


ADV and Beef start with B and finish with A.)

AMRAP in 8 minutes
10 Box Jump Overs
10 DB Snatches 45/25, (ADV: Alt 50/35), (Beef: 12@ 50-55+/35-40+)

Rest 3 minutes

AMRAP in 8 minutes
10 Cal Row, Bike, Ski, or Air Runner Calories (ADV+Beef: 12)
7 Burpees (Beef: Burpee over rower)

Here is week 4 of squatting tempos. As I’ve alluded to in class, we are going stick with this for another couple of weeks so that you all are getting several opportunities to work these tempos and hopefully enough to build confidence and strength. The rotational ball slams are a way to develop lateral strength statically and dynamically. As humans, you can look at the foundational human movements as being squatting, hinging, pushing, pulling, and rotating.  A missing weight that we believe is missing in the traditional CrossFit mainstream and competitive training is rotary work. Look to see more rotary work in the future.

25 minutes max for A1-A3.
Tempo Front Squat 3203
Compare 2 weeks ago

Ring Row or Archer Ring Row or Alternating DB Bent Row

Rotational Ball Slam
2-3×6-8e for power

3 Sets for max reps
1 Minute: MaxCalories of Rowing or Assault Bike
1 Minute: Max Pushups or Ring Pushup (ADV: Ring Dips or HSPU) (Beef: 15ft HS Walks)
1 Minute: Max Dumbbell Walking Lunges 45/25, 50/35, Beef: 1 in rack 1 OH 50/35)
1 Minute: Rest


800m Run
15 Double Unders or 30 Single Unders or 15 Jumping Air Squats (30 DU) (60 DU)
7 Pullups (ADV: 10) (Beef: 10 C2B or 6/4 Bar or Ring Muscle Ups)
8 Clean and Jerks 95/65, 115/75, 135/95

403m Run (ADV: 600m)
Same as above
Beef: 155/105

200m Run (ADV: 403m)
Same as above
Beef: 165/115

70m Run (ADV: 200)

Same as above
Beef: 185/125
Use previous time trial information if you have it for today. Whether you are attempting to PR or simply looking to train these distances, go at these with some training intention. Maybe you try to push harder sooner or kick earlier, or maybe start things out less aggressive than previous times. Maybe you try to see if you can stick with a slightly more uneasy pace. As the coaches for help with selecting a pace for whatever your training goal is for today.
2k Row, 2k Ski, 1.5 Mile Run, 1 Mile Run, 5/4k Bike T.T.
Russian KB Swings 53/35, 70/44 (American: 70/53)
Wall Balls
*200m Farmer Carry at some point (1KB+1DB)
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