Team Series and September Swag!
Congrats to all the Sweat Shoppers who competed in the 2017 Team Series! Sweat Shop had some awesome teams and it was cool to see you all get gritty together for the shared workouts. The team series was a 2-week online competition in which the workouts tested team cohesiveness while forcing each to push to their individual maxes. Here were the final worldwide results for all of the Sweat Shop Squads!
Team: Banks/Garcia
Rene and Brandon: 206th worldwide in the Rx’d mix pairs division!
Team: Wyld Stallyns
Josh and Scott C: 86th worldwide in the Rx’d masters 40’s division!
Team: LiLo
Lones and Lisa: 2nd Worldwide in the Rx’d masters 55-59 division!
Team: Mo Money Mo Problems $$$
Mo and Jacqueline: 2nd worldwide in the Rx’d masters 45-49 division!
Great work everyone! Check out the full results here.
Also, big ups to ALL the Sweat Shoppers putting up some awesome #SeptemberSwag! Check out the awesome feats on the chalk board below! Really Scotty J!? 30 unbroken 30# wall balls!? Nice!
Great job everyone. Very impressed with Rene and Brandon’s performance. To finish in 206th place with well over 2,000 teams competing, is outstanding. Well done ya’ll.
SO much fun. Sad I didn’t get to cheer on Lones and Lisa. Great team photo.
Props to all the teams that competed! Those workouts looked real tough this year. That 30 pound ball makes my legs hurt just thinking about it!