4/22/19 Weekly WOD Review

Just wanted to take a moment to define the focus for each level in today’s finisher…
RxD: A majority of your focus should be on the quality of movement versus the overall intensity of the workout. With barbell movements being performed in a fatigued state, it becomes even more important to be aware of how you are moving. The reps are lower than the other levels in order for you to not feel “hurried”.
Adv: For those of you choosing to go with the Adv option, you should be more comfortable cycling a light barbell. Here you can give a bit more focus to intensity, but still being aware of your movement quality.
Beef: This is for those that have cycled a moderately heavy barbell in the past and comfortable with combining olympic lifts at a high heart rate. I know there are some out there that have cycled 115/75 before, but ask yourself if you can maintain quality of movement WHILE pushing yourselves during the workout.
Every 1:00 for 12:00
2 Clean & Jerks
Adv: 1 Clean & Jerk
Power Cleans 75/55 95/65 115/75
200m Run (403m)
Squat Cleans
200m Run
70m Run
RxD: 15-12-9
Adv: 21-15-9
Beef: 21-15-9
Today’s workout is 21:00 of total work broken up into an interval-style format. There are subtle differences between all levels which vary between slightly more reps or a little heavier barbell. Wherever your fitness level may be, there is an option for you. As a reference, you should be able to complete 1 and a half rounds or more per set. If you are struggling to do so after the first set, please don’t hesitate to call an audible versus getting stuck at one movement.
3 x 7:00 AMRAP
7 Box Jump Overs (10)
10 Deadlifts 135/95 155/105 (15 Reps at 155/105) (15 Reps at 185/135)
12 Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (7 Toes to Bar) (15 Toes to Bar) (20 Toes to Bar)
15 Wall Balls (20 Wall Balls) (25 Wall Balls) (25 Wall Balls)
*3:00 rest in between AMRAPs
**Pick up where you left off each set for one score at the end
Today I wanted to create a workout that incorporated low-complexity movements. The focus for all level should just be managing your heart rate and pushing your own pace a little bit! There is a bit more running than usual (1.5-2 miles) but it’s evened out by the relatively low volume of burpees and kb swings than most of you are used to. Come in and get a good sweat on with this workout.
6:00 Alt EMOM
1) Pulling Movement
2) Core Movement
4 Rounds
10 Burpees (15) (20)
403m Run
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (15 Russian KB Swings 70/44) (20 American Swings 70/53)
200m Run (403m)
Back Squat
Strict Pull Ups (Weighted)
3 x 5-12
10:00 Alt EMOM (5 sets)
1) 1:00 Max Cals any Machine
2) 1:00 Max Goblet Squats 53/35 (Front Squats 95/65) (Front Squats 115/75)
The row will be a nice break for you to recharge yourselves during the AMRAP. Although it says it’s an 18:00 AMRAP, think of it more as a 15:00 – 14:00 AMRAP since for 3 or 4 minutes you guys will be rowing. If you can, try and keep track of how long each round takes you. Keeping track of your times per round is just a good way to get data on yourself and see when/where you begin to drop off or find somewhere you can pick up the pace next time!
6:00 Alt EMOM
1) Pressing Movement
2) Core Movement
18:00 AMRAP
12 DB Snatches 45/25 (16 at 50/35) (20 Alt 50/35) (12 Power Snatches 95/65)
12 Double Unders (35) (55)
12 DB Lunges (16) (20 Overhead DB Lunges) (12 Overhead Squats)
RxD: At 0:00 complete a 750m Row
Adv: At 6:00 complete a 1000m Row
Beef: At 13:00 complete a 1000m Row
*return to AMRAP when Row is completed
Cherry Picker’s Throwdown
The overall volume for thrusters and burpees are relatively low across all levels (30-45 per movement). With that being said, pick a weight that you can hold onto for all reps or no more than 1 break each round. It’ll be over before you know it! Don’t forget about your rope climbs though. I recommend throwing them in somewhere towards the beginning of the workout if you’re fairly to to the movement, throw them in towards the end if you want a bit of a spice factor!
3 Rounds
603m Run (800m)
10 Thrusters 75/55 (15) (15 at 95/65)
10 Burpees (15) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)
RxD: Complete 3 Rope Climbs at some point
Adv: Complete 5 Rope Climbs or 3 Short Rope Climbs at some point
Beef: Complete 8 Rope Climbs or 5 Short Rope Climbs at some point
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