3/29/18 WOD Review (brought to you by icy hot)
With weightlifting, it’s really important to understand and feel the movements. When a coach gives you an adjustment, try and really be aware of how it felt before and after the adjustment. A good goal is to try and make every rep feel the same! Hard to achieve, but it’s a really good tool in developing the movement. So go ahead and compare your numbers to last month, and try writing down how you felt during the EMOM. For those of you who are going with 1 rep, I would like to get you guys to get some “Across” work. Take 10:00 before the EMOM to build to 80-85% or 5-10lbs heavier than last time and stay there for the entire strength session. If it feels easy, then great! We can add 5-10lbs next time around! This way, we get sustained progression in the long run instead of building to a heavy 1 rep every time this format comes along. Long-term strength = priority!
For part B, if overhead squats are an issue and you would still like to use a barbell, go ahead and sub in some front squats! Here is a reference for you guys thinking about doing overhead squats…I would like them done in NO MORE THAN 2 SETS in order to to get my intended intensity. If you are new to chest to bars, and would like to practice them in a workout, go ahead and scale those down to 5-7 reps!
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Clean & Jerks
Adv: 1 Clean & Jerk ~80-85% for ALL sets
*compare 2/19/18
21 Air Squats (Overhead Squat 75/55) (Alt DB Squat Snatch 50/35)
15 Burpees
9 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
200m Run
9 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
12 Burpees (Beef: 15)
15 Air Squats (Overhead Squat 75/55) (21 Alt DB Squat Snatch 50/35)
*10:00 Time Cap (If time capped, score is total reps. Run counts as 1 rep)
Now that 18.4 is over, I can see a lot of people motivated to work on some handstand stuff! Everyone will be doing some sort of handstand work today. Try and shoot for 3 sets of whatever you choose down below. There are some skills for EVERYONE OF ALL LEVELS TO WORK ON, so take advantage of the time and coaching!
For your main workout today, I would like everyone to follow the order of how it is programmed so that everyone will get the same stimulus. In bigger classes this may mean a staggered start so never fear 6:00am class, JB’s got you guys! As for intensity purposes, pick a shoulder to overhead weight that is LIGHT, allowing you to get 5-7 reps in at a time with a strategic rest. Keep moving, short breaks, and try to transition with 5 seconds or less to maximize each movement.
A) 10:00 Skill Session
Handstand Practice:
– Strict Handstand Push Ups/Deficit
– Push Ups/Ring Push Ups
– Handstand Hold
– Handstand Wall Walk with Taps or Hold
– Ring Dips
– DB Strict Press
– Handstand Walk
– Handstand Walk Figure 8/Practice Turning
– Free Handstand Hold
– Free Handstand Push Ups
– Max Distance Handstand Walk
4 Rounds
1:00 Max Rep Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 95/65 115/75 (DB Beef 50/35)
1:00 Max Rep Cal Row/Bike/Ski
1:00 Max Rep KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53
1:00 Max Rep Double Unders
1:00 Rest
*score total reps
Deadlift weight/reps will be decided with what you can do for no more than 2 sets…even towards the end of the AMRAP. Movements are not very complex, so it will be a bit easier to really focus on managing your heart rate. In this kind of time domain, in order to be sustainable you’ll be working around 75% effort. If done correctly, you should have the ability to reach 85% to 90% effort for the last 2 minutes or so. Write down some notes on how you felt at the beginning, middle and end. This is a good way to really understand your own pacing strategy.
20:00 AMRAP
7 Deadlifts (9) (12)
9 Box Jump Overs (12) (15 No Step Ups)
11 Wall Balls (15) (20 Unbroken)
Today is kind of backwards to what you guys are normally used to. The focus on today should be the time trial, try and treat the time trial like that is the only thing you have to do today.
Afterwards, you’ll spend the rest of class get in some squat stimulus and pulling + core work. Fit in those “accessory” movements during your front squat sets.
Time Trial: Pick One
– 1000m Row
– 1000m Ski
– 50/40 Cal Bike
Front Squat
*sum best 5 sets
Pulling Skills (Pick 1)
– Single Arm DB Row 3 x 8
– Strict Pull Ups 3 x 2-8
– Strict Chest to Bars 3 x 2-8
– Bar/Ring Muscle Ups 3 x 1-10
– Weighted Ring Rows 3 x 8
– Muscle Up Transitions 3 x 3-5
Core Work (Pick 1)
– Dead Bugs/Hollow Hold 3 x :20 – :30
– Plank/Weighted 3 x :20 – :30
– Ring Support 3 x :20 – :30
– False Grip Hang 3 x :20 – :30
– Prone Ext Hold/Weighted 3 x :20 – :30
I would like each round to be in the 2:30 – 3:30 time domain. Here are some references to try and get you guys into the intended time domain – 403m Runs should be 1:30 – 2:10. If you are tapping into the 2:00+ 403m runs, you can choose to scale the runs down to 200m and do the adv or beefy reps, or scale the reps instead of the run. I’m ok with mixing and matching, speak with your coach in order to get the right stimulus in! You guys get a 1:00 rest in between rounds though, yay! Score will be your overall time. Try and track each round as well and see how you did! The goal should be within :5 of each round.
5 Rounds
200m Run (403m)
10 DB Snatches 45/25 (12 Alt 50/35) (16 Alt 50/35)
7 Burpees (9) (12 Lateral Facing DB Burpee)
– rest 1:00 –
*25:00 Time Cap
HUGE fan of this format in the sense that when the reps start to increase, at a certain point they go back down to small reps! Mentally refreshing I’d say! With that being said, tough part of the workout will be the 9s (12s for beef) so be ready for those rounds. Power clean weight should be something you can string together in 3s or quick singles. Just be wary of grip fatigue with hanging knee raises/toes to bars/ rope climbs. My goal is for EVERYONE to at least finish 2 entire rounds. Enjoy!
18:00 AMRAP
3-6-9-Rope Climb
Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95
Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (Toes to Bar)
Box Jumps (Beef: No Step Ups)
Beef: 6-9-12-Rope Climb
1 Rope Climb
2 Rope Climbs
2 Regional Rope Climbs
Wagyu Beef:
2 Legless Rope Climbs
7:00 AMRAP
7 Cal Row (11)
7 Shoulder to Overheads 95/65 115/75 135/95
– rest 3:00 –
7:00 AMRAP
10 Wall Balls (12) (15)
10 KB Swings 50/35 70/44 (12 reps @ 70/53)
Adv and Beef: Start with Part B then do Part A second
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