Weekly WOD Review 12/16/19

Just wanted to give all of you another opportunity to overhead squat if you opted to back squat instead a couple of weeks ago, or give those that overhead squatted a couple weeks ago a chance to build off of that. For the purpose of Part B, pick a weight that you can do any of the rep schemes unbroken (without setting the KB or barbell down). Going for light and fast for this one.
Back Squat or Overhead Squat
21 Goblet Squat 53/35 (Front Squat 95/65) (Overhead Squat 95/65) (Overhead Squat 115/17)
403m Run
15 Goblet Squat 53/35 (Front Squat 95/65) (Overhead Squat 95/65) (Overhead Squat 115/17)
200m Run
9 Goblet Squat 53/35 (Front Squat 95/65) (Overhead Squat 95/65) (Overhead Squat 115/17)
70m Run
2 different style workouts for the main portion today. A short AMRAP where your goal will be to manage muscle fatigue and heart rate for 10:00 and an EMOM where your goal will be to manage intensity and stay consistent over 5 sets.
A) Skill Sesh
6:00 Alt EMOM
1) Pressing
2) Midline
*6:00 Handstand Walk or Muscle Up Practice with Coach
10:00 AMRAP
10 DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt DB Snatches 50/35) (Power Snatches 75/55) (Power Snatch 95/65)
8 Box Jump Overs
6 Sit Ups -or- Hanging Knee Raises (Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar) (12 Toes to Bar)
– rest 3:00 –
10:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1:00 Max Cals any Machine
2) 1:00 Max Burpees
*2 Separate Scores

Scale double unders if needed to something that takes no more than 1:00 – 1:10. Looking for each round to take 5-7:30. Feel free to ask a coach to help you mix and match if needed!
3 Rounds
403m Run
15 Wall Balls (20) (25)
200m Run (403m)
10 Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95
15 Double Unders (45) (75)
RxD for EMOM: Allow people to get more reps and practice in.
Adv for EMOM: Allow those comfortable with the lift to go a little heavier.
Beef for EMOM: Allow folks to practice their weightlifting skills under fatigue similar to a metcon (choose a distance that takes folks :40 – 1:00)
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Clean & Jerks
Adv: 1 Clean & Jerk
Beef: 140m ~ 200m Run + 1 Clean & Jerk
Buy In: 25/20 Cals any Machine (30) (40)
3 Rounds
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (70/44) (American KB Swings 70/53)
8/6 Push Ups (12 Push Ups) (8 Handstand Push Ups) (30′ HS Walk)
8 Pull Ups (12 Pull Ups) (8 Chest to Bars) (5 Muscle Ups)

A) Skill Sesh
6:00 Alt EMOM
1) Pulling
2) Midline
*6:00 Handstand Walk or Muscle Up Practice with Coach
20:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1:00 Max Cals any Machine
2) 1 Rope Climb (2) (2 Short Rope Climbs)
3) 1:00 Max Shoulder to Overheads 95/65 115/75 135/95 (Single Arm DB Shoulder to Overheads 50+/35+)
4) 70m Sled Push (1 Green/0 Greens) (2 Greens/1 Green) (3 Greens/2 Greens)
*Score = Cals + Shoulder to Overheads
Remember that the weights we write down on the whiteboard are just suggestions! You’ll notice that there is quite a gap between the weights for each level, but remember you can pick weights in between the ones we suggest. If you need help deciding, feel free to ask your coach to help determine the correct weights/movements for you! The goal is to get at least 2+ rounds for today’s workout.
18:00 AMREP
3-6-9-12-200m Run
Deadlifts 135/95 185/135 225/155
Box Jumps
*Score = Total Reps (90 Reps/Round)

Pick ONE skill for your skill of choice in today’s workout. I recommend sticking with the same movement so that you can develop that skill over the course of 5 Rounds. With that being said, if you want to pick more than 1…that’s ok too! Get creative also, if you see something on the list that you’d like to give a try…feel free to run it by your coach for the day.
5 Rounds
4:00 Clock
12 Wall Balls (20) (25)
12 DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt DB Snatches 50/35) (20 Alt DB Snatches 50/35)
70m Run
in remaining time Max Rep Skill of Choice…
– 1:00 rest in between rounds –
*Score = Total Reps for Skill of Choice
Possible Skills:
Rope Climbs
Double Unders
Sandbag/Deadball Over Shoulder
Alt Pistols
Cals any Machine
Core Exercise
Muscle Ups
Sledge Hammer
Tire Flips
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