Weekly WOD insights 5/13/19
We haven’t done Front squat doubles in a while, but since we have been doing sets of three recently, go ahead and use those numbers to give you an idea of what you should be doing for sets of two. I also wanted to give you all another chance to hit the single arm dumbbell bench since its fresh in your mind from last week. If you don’t want to do the single arm dumbbell bench, opt for an alternating Z press. If you want to do the z press and have tight hamstrings, elevate your hips on a weight plate. It will make it more manageable. For part B, the ground to overhead should be something thats on the lighter side. It should never become something that slows you down during the workout.
A1.) Front Squat *Compare similar 2/22/19, 4/19/19 (sets of 3)*
3x 8 each side *compare to 5/8/19*
20 Wall Balls (Adv 30) (Beef 40)
15 Ground to overhead 75/55 (adv 95/65) (Beef 115/75) (Bison 135/95)
8 Pull ups (adv 15 pull ups or 8 C2B) (Beef 15 C2B or 6/4 BMU) (Bison 10 BMU)
15 Ground to overhead
20 Wall Balls
The work to rest ratios are a little different than usual today. I would encourage you to push the intensity a little bit more than usual on each movement since you will be getting a decent amount of rest. For the pressing and static midline progressions we are in week five. If you feel like you are ready to progress on either pressing or the static midline movements, talk to a coach and we will get you squared away with the next progression!
A.) 6 Min alt EMOM
1- Pressing Progressions
2- Static midline progressions
B.) 5 Rounds
1 min max Russian KB swings 53/35 (adv 70/44) (Beef am swings 70/53)
-Rest :30s-
1 minute max Box Jump overs
-Rest :30s-
1 Minute max Hanging Knee raises (adv T2B)
-Rest :30s-
*score total reps*
I have programmed this style of workout before and have been pleased with the intensity it yields. This time I wanted to change the structure though, the barbell movements will be increasing in complexity as the workout goes on. I would encourage you to think about keeping some in the tank for part C since that will have the most complex barbell movement. If you’re working on double unders today is not the best day to work on double unders if you want to maximize intensity. Please take note of part D which will be a planned stretch session led by your coach. This is part of the workout so I would highly encourage you to stick around for it!
A.) 6 minute Amrap
9 Front Squats 95/65 (adv 115/75) (beef 135/95)
6 Burpees (adv bar facing)
-Rest 90 seconds-
B.) 6 Minute Amrap
8 power Cleans 95/65 (adv 115/75) (beef 135/95)
10 Double unders or 30 singles (Adv 20) (Beef 40)
-Rest 90 seconds-
C.) 6 Minute Amrap
7 Squat Cleans 95/65 (adv 115/5) (Beef squat clean thruster 135/95)
6 Burpees (adv bar facing)
D.) 6 minute Stretch session
Make sure you are selecting your barbell weight based on your shoulder to overhead ability, not your deadlifting ability. If you need technique help for rope climbs, be sure to ask a coach at the start of class so they know to help you!
A.) 6 min alt Emom
1-Pull progressions
2- Static midline progressions
B.) 5 Rounds
Run 200m
10 Shoulder to overhead 95/65 (adv 115/75) (Beef 135/95) (Bison DB 50/35)
Run 200m
12 Deadlifts 95/65 (adv 115/75) (Beef 135/95) (Bison DB 50/35)
*@ some point perform rope climbs*
Rx’d- 3
Adv- 4
Beef- 2 Regional or legless + 3 regular
A.) Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes
2 clean and jerks or snatches
Adv option- 1 rep
B.) 4 Rounds
10 Barbell lunges 95/65 (adv 12 @ 115/75) (beef 12 DB front rack lunge 50/35)
70m Farmer Carry ~45/25 (adv ~50/35) (Beef Single arm DB overhead carry 50/35)
*you can use DB or Kb for farmer carry*
Feel free to mix and match levels today, especially is you are a good runner, go for that longer distance! For the sled pushes, the weights increase by 25 pounds, so be sure to load the sleds with 25 pound plates only.
B.) 3 Rounds
603m Run (adv 800m)
10 Burpee Box Jump overs (adv 12) (Beef 14)
14 Dumbbell Snatches 45/25 (50/35) (Beef alt 50+/35+) (Bison double KB snatch 35/26)
*@ some point perform two 70m sled pushes 50/25 (adv 75/50) (Beef 100/75)*
**Beef also at some point perform 10/8 Ring or Bar muscle ups**
Today I want to give people the opportunity to do some different movements they don’t usually get to do. If you haven’t noticed we recently acquired some new D-balls (they’re right next to the round sandbags). I would encourage people to try their hand at using the D-balls. They’re very similar to doing a sandbag over shoulder, but are much easier, and the D-balls we have are much lighter than the hefty 100 pound round bag. If you don’t want to try the D-ball, feel free to do some other grunt work type movements. If you don’t know the technique on how to do a D ball over shoulder, or sandbag over shoulder, check out this video. It is a great video applicable to both movements.
20 minute alternating emom
1- Max Single leg v-ups or HKR (Toes to bar or V-up)
2- Max Cals any machine
3- Max Push ups (adv Ring push up) (Beef HSPU or Ring dip)
4- Max rep grunt work
5- Max Rest
*Score total reps (including grunt work option)*
**Grunt work Options**
-Max D ball over shoulder
-Max sandbag over shoulder
-Max tire flips
-Max stone to shoulder
-Max Jerk block hurdle (set height to what we would use for the wall course)
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