Unbroken and Chill
Chris crushed the WED WOD!
I want to give a shout out to all Sweat Shoppers this week! I got a chance to watch a good number of you smash the workouts! This week had some good tests of fitness. A noticeable observation I had was seeing many…
CrossFit Team Series
And in just a little over a month, the CrossFit Team Series is back! I've participated the past 2 years and I can say that it was a blast each time!! It's always fun working as a team, strategizing, and really coming together over the course…
Rip No More!
GeneralWhile coaching today I witnessed a few people tearing their hands from doing higher rep pull ups. I am sure many of us are not strangers to the concept of tearing a callous because we did a lot of reps on the pull up bar. Not only is it annoying…
Baby Berkley
GeneralA big congratulations to members Jen and Rikus on their beautiful baby girl. Berkley Ann Pretorius made her debut on July 30th at 9:27am, weighing in at 6lbs 6oz. Big props to mama for working out during her entire pregnancy. I know it's not…
Extra Credit
Tips, Training
By now everyone has probably seen the Sweaty Swag board at the gym. Originally intended to give props for personal records it has also been really useful for helping hold people accountable for extra credit work. While James had the idea…
2017 Games Recap
Featured Athlete, General
As you all know Jacqueline finished up her 2017 season this past week in Madison at the CF Games! I wanted to give a recap as I know many of you who were cheering from home couldn't see or hear about the action. When she's back from her much…
Is Chalk REALLY the Answer???
You have 15 pull ups left in your workout and you do a set of 10...5 pull ups left. Are you one of those people who takes a TREK to the nearest chalk bucket, or are you the one who doesn't think twice and goes right back to it?
2 clean &…
Strength Primers
Strength, Tips, TrainingWe all know that a good warm up is necessary to have a good workout. We need to make sure we spend ample time preparing our bodies for the movements we are about to execute. This may include mobilizing certain joints, stretching or activating…
MCT oil
GeneralI've been using MCT oil and grass fed butter in my coffee the last few weeks. I had done bulletproof coffee in the past with coconut oil and butter but have been using heavy whipping cream as of late. I decided to switch back to bulletproof…