The New CrossFit Games

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Look for a complete recap of Jacqueline's weekend later this week from JB.  I on the other hand want to give my insight from what I experienced at the CrossFit Games with it being my first time I've been since 2013. Compared to Los Angeles,…

Follow The Games This Weekend!

The 2017 CrossFit Games got underway this week and our very own Masters Athlete, Jacqueline started her 3rd quest and last year in the 50-54 age division! If you haven't followed the action, know that you can get regular updates on our Facebook…

Every Minute on the Minute

Oh the ever familiar EMOM format! Chances are a majority of you have seen this format in one way or another, we use it a lot when we program some strength workouts. For example... 14:00 EMOM 2 Squat Cleans or Squat Snatches 14:00 Alt…

Sprinkle in the Volume

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Over the past couple of months something that I think has been a great addition to the gym is the Sweaty Swag Board (Thanks Nabil!). Every time I look at it there is something new added. Whether its extra credit burpees, a PR, or someone writing…

Functional Training

I always get a kick out of this guy! Get your functional training on people! Bench press and bicep curls all DAY! Check it're in for a good laugh.