10/2/17 – 10/8/17 WOD Review
500m Row test! A couple of weeks ago we tested our 1000m row, so I wanted to build off of that and see where our 500m rows were at. For Part C, I wanted to give options for people who feel like they didn’t get enough “cardio” in Part A with the :45 Max Row/Bike/Ski. If a 500m row was sufficient enough for you, feel free to choose some sort of pressing skill to improve upon!
500m Row Time Trial
Back Squat
8:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1-8 Strict Pull Ups (Strict Chest to Bars) (Bar Muscle Ups)
2) :45 Max Row/Bike/Ski/70m Shuttle/Push Ups/Ring Dips/Handstand Push Ups
Similar to last Wednesday’s workout, here is a chance to test your threshold and your ability to recover. The goal is to maintain a consistent pace for 3 rounds, while possibly making the 3rd round your best. If you were able to do last Wednesday’s workout, use that information on how you “felt” during the 5 rounds to gauge how hard you can push or how much you should hold back during today’s workout. Those of you who have great movement patterns in the following movements, don’t be afraid to push that threshold a little bit and see what happens! You may surprise yourself for the best!
“DJ Marshmello”
3 Rounds
200m Run
15 KB Swings 53/35 70/44 (20 at 70/53)
10 Burpees (15) (20)
15 KB Swings 53/35 70/44 (20 at 70/53)
200m Run
*rest 3:00 in between rounds
Today’s workout is a HUGE contrast to Tuesday’s. Although it looks like 2 8-minutes workouts, it’s really 16 minutes of continuous work. Whereas yesterday, you may have been able to push each round since you were able to rest 3 minutes in between. Try to hover around 60% – 70% of intensity and really practice a pace that allows you to keep moving. This is a good workout to test your mental toughness and steady transitions.
8:00 AMREP
10 Wall Balls (15)
10 Lunges (1 DB 45/25) (Barbell 95/65) (Barbell 115/75)
– immediately into –
8:00 AMREP
DB Snatch 45/25 (Alt 50/35) (Alt 70/45)
Box Jump Overs
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Squat Cleans or Squat Snatches
4 Rounds
7 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Bar Muscle Ups) (10 Bar Muscle Ups)
5 Push Ups (7) (7 Handstand Push Ups) (10 4″/2″ Def HSPU)
7 Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 (Hang Power Clean 115/75) (Hang Power Snatch 95/65)
This is a purely running/conditioning workout. The goal is to have 5-8 minutes at the end to AMRAP your 70m runs and 5 burpees. Good Luck! Get to that AMRAP!
20:00 Clock
Buy In:
603m Run (800m)
10 Air Squats (15) (10 Front Squats 95/65)
10 Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (7 Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar)
403m Run (603m)
10 Air Squats (15) (10 Front Squats 95/65)
10 Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (7 Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar)
270m Run (403m)
10 Air Squats (15) (10 Front Squats 95/65)
10 Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (7 Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar)
70m Run (200m)
10 Air Squats (15) (10 Front Squats 95/65)
10 Sit Ups or Hanging Knee Raises (7 Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar)
then in remaining time AMRAP…
70m Run
5 Burpees
For those that do not want to go singles on Double Unders, Kettlebell Swings will be a good option for you to keep your heart rate up!
9:00 AMRAP
10 Double Unders or KB Swings 53/35 (25 Double Unders) (50 Double Unders)
12 Shoulder to Overheads 95/65 115/75 135/95
35m Farmer Carry (45/25) (50/35) (Heavy.)
– rest 3:00 –
3:00 Max Cal Row/Bike/Ski
Adv and Beef – Start with Cal Row/Bike/Ski
Two different “styles” of workouts here. RxD and Adv is designed for you to continue moving throughout the workout. The small reps will keep you moving from one movement to the next while maintaining a good amount of intensity. As for beef, not so much. High reps and high volume…you WILL be standing and staring for awhile. For those of you who attempt beef, this will be a test of muscle endurance/patience/and mental toughness. Good Luck.
RxD and ADdv:
5 Rounds
8 Wall Balls (12)
8 Box Jumps (12)
8 Deadlifts 95/65 (12 at 115/75)
8 Burpees (12 Bar Facing Burpees)
200m Run
30 Wall Balls
30 Box Jumps
30 Deadlifts 115/75
30 Bar Facing Burpees
1203m Run (800m + 403m)
30 Bar Facing Burpees
30 Deadlifts 115/75
30 Box Jumps
30 Wall Balls
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