Weekly WOD Review – 9/28/20
Goal: Consistent Cals each round, building off of last Monday. For those of you who were able to attend last Monday’s class, use the Cals (12/10) from that workout as a good number to shoot for. For those that were unable to attend class last Monday, I encourage you to go at a pace so that you’re not too tired for the last 2 rounds.
Every 5:00 for 25:00
4:00 AMREP
200m Run (403m)
10 DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt 50/35) (Hang Power Snatch 95/65)
Max Cals any Machine in Remaining Time
*Score = Total Cals
If you missed the reintroduction of Back Squats on Friday, today’s the day! For those of you who are still fairly new or would like to rebuild your Back Squat mechanics, I encourage you to do Part A first. If you are comfortable with Back Squats and would like a little bit more of a challenge, I encourage you to do Part B first. Either way, please let those who are newer to the gym squat first as to learn it with the least amount of fatigue as possible please J
A) 12:00 Clock
Back Squat
*6-7 People in this Group
– 4:00 rest –
12:00 AMRAP
20 Wall Balls
70m Sled Push (1 green/0 greens) (2 greens/1 green) (3 greens/2 greens) -or- 70m Wall Ball/Sandbag/Deadball Carry
*6-7 People in this Group (Preferably Adv & Beefy folks start here)
Only perform the Double Unders after the 12 Down Ups (Burpees)! If this is unclear, which it always is haha, don’t worry! All will be explained further the day of. If it helps, we did the 5-10-15-Run format a couple of weeks ago. Today’s workout is similar to that one! If you remember that one, it would be a good idea to start slower than you may think. A good rule of them I use, is to make sure I’m one of the last ones done with the first round. That way, I know I didn’t go out too hot! I do warn you though, if you end up starting really fast, the workout will not be so enjoyable. So, enjoy!
18:00 AMREP
3-6-9-12-Double Unders
Cals any Machine
Russian KB Swings 53/35 (70/44) (American KB Swings 70/53)
Down Ups (Burpees)
RxD – 25 Double Unders
Adv – 50 Double Unders
Beef – 100 Double Unders
I’ve introduced another option for the EMOM, a more conditioning-based workout. Please only choose this option if you and your coach are comfortable with Squat Cleans under a decent amount of fatigue. Although the loads down below are recommended, feel free to work with your coach that day to select an appropriate amount of loading. If you’re wondering which option to choose, I encourage you to choose the “Strength Focused” workout.
For Part B, go ahead and pick a workout based on how you’re feeling. Sore? Not sore? Mentally or Physically Tired? No matter the case, there is an option for you! Take note, some movements are repeated or have been repeated during the week.
Strength Focus –
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Squat Cleans
Conditioning Focus (Must be comfortable with Squat Cleans under considerable fatigue) –
3 Rounds
5 Squat Cleans
4 Squat Cleans
3 Squat Cleans
– 2:00 rest –
Recommend Weight for Conditioning Focus:
Round 1 – 135/95 155/105 165/115
Round 2 – 155/105 165/115 175/125
Round 3 – 165/115 175/125 185/135
*15:00 Time Cap
*Must perform all singles
*Adjust weights accordingly, while keeping similar progression
Pick 1 of the following (all options will take 7-10 minutes):
Option 1 – Monostructural Conditioning (note: calories on Monday/Wednesday/Saturday as well)
8 Rounds
:40 Max Cals any Machine
:20 Rest
Option 2 – Core Accessory (note: plank on Friday as well)
4 Rounds
:30 Plank
:30 L Crunches
:30 Plank
:30 Knee Tucks
:30 Rest
Option 3 – Short “CrossFit” Workout (note: burpees on Saturday as well)
7:00 AMRAP
7 Goblet Squats 35/26 53/35 70/44
7 Down Ups (Burpees)
Reintroducing our Skill Sessions back into things, now that our gym is in a little bit of a routine. Considering the amount of members returning or signing up for the first time, I thought it would be a good idea to take a step back and focus on a couple of functional accessory movements. It will help with your warm up also, 2 for the price of 1! I know it’s not the most exciting workout, but it’s only 8 minutes! You can go faster on Part B, no worries!
For Part B, as a heads up for all of you, I will probably be sticking to Push Presses for the next 3 weeks. After watching the Push Presses last week, it’ll be worth it to spend a few weeks learning how Push Press again or learn it for the first time. Trust me, you’re other overhead lifts will benefit from Push Presses as well…it just won’t look as cool. For
8:00 Alt EMOM
1) 5-8 Strict Pull Ups -or- 10-15 Ring Rows (Bar Muscle Ups) (Ring Muscle Ups)
2) :40 Plank -or- :40 Wall Sit (Weighted Plank -or- Weighted Wall Sit)
*Split class into 2 groups for Part A only
11:00 AMRAP
9 Deadlifts 75/55 95/65 115/75
7 Sit Ups (5 Toes to Bar) (7 Toes to Bar)
5 Push Press 75/55 95/65 115/75
Goal: Pace both part A and B so the last 2:00 you can give 75-80% effort. Or in other words, pick up the pace a bit!
RxD and Adv –
10:00 AMRAP
10 Goblet Squats 53/35 (Front Squats 95/65)
10 Russian KB Swings 53/35 70/44
10/7 Cals any Machine
Beef –
10:00 AMRAP
12 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65
12 Cals any Machine
– 4:00 rest –
10:00 AMRAP
200m Run (403m)
5 Burpees (7) (12)
*RxD – Start on Part A
*Adv and Beef – Start on Part B
For Part A, I encourage you not treat it so much as a blow out. Treat it more in a way that you can be consistent and work at about 70% effort (should be able to talk).
For Part B, if you accomplished Part A correctly, you should be able to move quicker (within reason). Think 80%+ effort (talking should be a little more of a burden).
RxD –
12:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1:00 DB Snatch 45/25
2) 1:00 Wall Balls
3) 1:00 Alt DB Lunges
Adv & Beef –
12:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1:00 Wall Balls
2) 1:00 Alt DB Snatch 50/35 (Power Snatch 75/55)
3) 1:00 Alt DB Lunges (Alt Overhead Lunges)
*Focus: Consistency (little to no blow out)
– rest 3:00 –
RxD –
DB Snatches 45/25
Alt DB Lunges
Adv & Beef –
Alt DB Snatches 50/35 (Power Snatch 75/55)
Alt DB Lunges (Alt Overhead Lunges)
*Focus: Quicker Pace than Part A (somewhat or full blown blow out)
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