Weekly WOD Review 6/14/21
Today’s workout is similar to one that was programmed last week. With both sections being ten minutes in length, make sure you understand when you need to slow down to catch your breath and when to push the pace. You’ll get to practice with two different types of workouts. The first workout being a typical “CrossFit” style workout that includes a little bit of weightlifting, and the second workout combining conditioning with gymnastics.
If class happens to end early, or if you have some time to spare before heading back out into the real world, feel free to pick one of the accessory workouts on the board!
10:00 AMRAP
10 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 95/65 115/75 135/95
10 Box Jump Overs
– rest 2:00 –
10:00 AMRAP
10 Cals
10 Sit Ups -or- Hanging Knee Raises (5 Toes to Bar) (10 Toes to Bar)
Optional Accessory
The wall ball and kettlebell swing volume is relatively low today, so I recommend focusing on managing a consistent pace on the runs. If running is going to be a challenge, think about using the wall balls and kettlebell swings portion to slow down and catch your breath. This might mean doing five or so reps and then take a break. It may seem silly with so little reps, but a well-managed heart rate does wonders.
Optional accessory workouts will be open if class ends early or if you’d like to stick around a bit longer. Pick one, or a different one if you can!
For Time:
21 Wall Balls
603m Run (800m)
21 Russian KB Swings 53/35 70/44 (American KB Swings 53/35)
603m Run (800m)
15 Wall Balls
403m Run
15 Russian KB Swings 53/35 70/44 (American KB Swings 53/35)
403m Run
9 Wall Balls
200m Run
9 Russian KB Swings 53/35 70/44 (American KB Swings 53/35)
200m Run
Optional Accessory
As we progress onto week three, you’ll be practicing squat cleans and push jerks. Squat cleans have been a staple, but now we progress onto the push jerk. There are two options, the same as the previous weeks, but pick between a strength or conditioning focus.
New, or still trying to learn the movement better? I recommend picking the strength focus. When the heart rate is elevated, it becomes more challenging to learn new skills. Unfortunately, that’s when injuries can occur.
Feel comfortable with your weightlifting? Then I recommend the conditioning focus. This will give you a good chance to practice with a running stimulus. We perform workouts sometimes that are long and include weightlifting, so this is your opportunity to practice it!
Enjoy part b, there is a twelve-minute time cap for you ambitious folks! Good looking air squats, please.
Strength Focus –
Every 1:30 for 15:00
1 Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk
Conditioning Focus –
Every 1:30 for 15:00
70m Run (140m) (200m)
1 Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk
For Time:
50 Cals (75) (100)
50 Air Squats (75) (100)
*12:00 Time Cap
Today’s workout is all about accumulating volume, or good practice reps if you’re still learning any of these movements. I recommend trying to focus on maintaining an even heart rate throughout the entire four rounds. This might mean performing small sets to control your breathing. As the rounds pass you by, feel free to push the pace a little and see the effect. If you feel good, then you can push a little more! If not, then try and hold the pace or slow down! Please accordingly with your coach if needed.
Hang out and spend some time doing accessory work if you have some extra minutes to spend at the end of class! Let’s talk more about soup.
4 Rounds
1:00 Max Push Ups (Handstand Push Ups) (4″/2″ Def HSPU)
1:00 Max Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95
1:00 Max Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (Muscle Ups)
1:00 Max Cals
1:00 Rest
Optional Accessory
First choice: pick between back squats or deadlifts
Second choice: pick a strength or conditioning focus
Depending on what your goals are – the strength focus will be geared towards recovering as much as possible in between your sets, whereas the conditioning focus will be geared more towards producing power continuously with short rests. Speak with a coach to determine what best fits you!
Strength Focus –
Back Squat -or- Deadlift
*Rest 3:00 in between sets
Conditioning Focus –
10:00 Alt EMOM
1) :30 Max Cals
2) 3 Back Squats -or- Deadlifts
9:00 AMRAP
10 DB Snatches 45/25 (Alt 50/35) (Power Snatch 75/55)
15 Double Unders (25) (35)
70m Run (140m) (200m)
Looks easy on paper, but the volume comes at you quick! It will be important to understand when and where to slow down to catch your breath and when you can afford to pick up the pace. This will help you navigate the workout and maximize your overall intensity.
Saturday accessory if you have time to spare, with a beer if you’d like as well. Because, Saturday and you deserve a nice beverage of your choice.
For Time:
5 Burpees (10 Burpees) (10 Bar Facing Burpees) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)
27 Cals
27 Goblet Squats 53/35 (Front Squats 95/65) (Front Squats 115/75) (Front Squats 135/95)
5 Burpees (10 Burpees) (10 Bar Facing Burpees) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)
21 Cals
21 Goblet Squats 53/35 (Front Squats 95/65) (Front Squats 115/75) (Front Squats 135/95)
5 Burpees (10 Burpees) (10 Bar Facing Burpees) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)
15 Cals
15 Goblet Squats 53/35 (Front Squats 95/65) (Front Squats 115/75) (Front Squats 135/95)
5 Burpees (10 Burpees) (10 Bar Facing Burpees) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)
9 Cals
9 Goblet Squats 53/35 (Front Squats 95/65) (Front Squats 115/75) (Front Squats 135/95)
5 Burpees (10 Burpees) (10 Bar Facing Burpees) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)
Optional Accessory
Today’s workout will be based off of interval training. Interval training – perform a required amount of work, rest a little bit, then repeat for the prescribed sets. As you repeat the rounds, try your best to keep each round time within five to ten seconds of one another. Tough challenge, but differently doable!
Stay and crush some accessory, do mobility class, and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!
3 Rounds
603m Run (800m)
15 Deadlifts 95/65 135/95 185/135
20 Wall Balls (25) (30)
– rest 2:00 –
Optional Accessory
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