Weekly WOD Review 4/20/20
Week 3 Strength –
A good weight for today’s strength would be what you used last week. If you were not able to complete the strength workout last week, go ahead and choose a weight that is around 70-75% or a moderate weight for all of your sets. You’ll be cutting the rest down from last week, so be sure to keep that in mind. Your legs will begin to feel a bit of fatigue towards the end, but the weight should be manageable for 10:00.
Every 1:00 for 10:00
3 Back Squats
*Same weight as last week
*If not performed last week, go ahead and pick a moderate weight for all sets today
Conditioning –
Today’s conditioning will be done in 3 parts. The second part will be a section that will be used to recover but utilizing the time to get a little bit of core work in.
7:00 AMRAP
7 Air Squats (Goblet Squats) (Front Squats 95/65)
7 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
– rest 2:00 –
3 Rounds
1:00 Plank
1:00 Knee Tucks (Toes to Bar)
:30 Rest
– rest 1:00 –
5:00 AMRAP
5 Air Squats (Goblet Squats) (Front Squats 95/65)
5 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
Similar to yesterday, the focus of this week in your strength sessions will be to shorten the rests and challenge yourself to continually produce the amount of power required for a successful lift. Again, keep in mind that the rests are shorter so adjust your weights accordingly today.
Week 3 Strength –
Every 1:00 for 12:00
2 Power Cleans
*Build to a challenging double for the day
Conditioning –
When looking through this workout, choose a variation that allows you to complete one full round in 3 to 4 minutes. After the first 9:00 AMRAP, you’ll rest for 1 minutes and pick up where you left off for another 9 minutes of fun! If running is not in the cards for you, you can sub the run for double unders.
2 Cycles
9:00 AMRAP
200m Run (~:30 Out/~:30 Back)
8 Russian KB Swings (Power Cleans 75/55) (Power Cleans 95/65)
200m Run (~:30 Out/~:30 Back)
8 Goblet Lunges (Front Rack Lunges 75/55) (Front Rack Lunges 95/65)
– rest 1:00 and pick up where you left off –
*Sub 15-30 Double Unders for run if needed
Again, while shortening the rest, you’ll build to a challenging triple for the day. Remember, “challenging” does not always mean build to your personal best. Build to your best effort depending on how you feel for that particular day. If it’s in the cards for you to build towards a personal best and you’re feeling good, then go for it!
Week 3 Strength –
Every 1:00 for 12:00
3 Front Squats
*Build to a challenging triple for the day
Conditioning –
Part A will be a primer for Part B. Use the first part to get your accessory movements in, and be sure you’re executing as well as possible. Hold that same standard going into the second part of the workout, but feel free to pick up the pace a little more than in Part A. Again, you’ll see plenty of variations for each movement depending on the equipment you have available. Feel free to chat with your coach if you need help coming up with more creative options.
8:00 AMRAP
5 DB Push Press R
5 DB Push Press L
10 Sit Ups
8 Single Arm Bent Over Row R
8 Single Arm Bent Over Row L
– rest 2:00 –
4 Rounds
1:00 DB Snatches (Alt DB Snatches) (Power Snatch 75/55)
1:00 Push Ups (Handstand Push Ups) (4″/2″ Def HSPU)
1:00 Jumping Air Squats
Conditioning –
Similar to Tuesday, instead of 2 cycles you’ll perform 3 three minute AMRAPs with an additional spice factor afterwards! For the first portion, pick a version that allows you to complete one round in about :40 – 1:00. With that being said, you may need to adjust the reps or loads depending on your situation. Again, after each cycle you’ll rest 1 minutes and pick up where you left off each time. Part B will be a quick one! If you’ve got something to jump on for the burpee portion (doesn’t have to be crazy high, even something that is about 1-2 inches of the ground is fine, then go for it!
3 Cycles
3:00 AMRAP
10 Goblet Good Mornings (DB Deadlifts) (Barbell Deadlifts 115/75)
10 Double Unders (25) (35)
– rest 1:00 and pick up where you left off –
– rest 2:00 –
Burpee (Burpee Jump to Plate) (Burpee Box Jump)
Goblet Squats (DB Front Rack Squats) (Front Squats 115/75)
Week 3 Strength –
Use the 15:00 to build to a challenging double for the day.
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Clean & Jerks
*Build to a challenging double for the day
Conditioning –
Short intervals and bursts of energy for today. The goal is to be able to produce a consistent amount of effort through the entire workout.
8 Rounds – Alt Tabata (:20/:10)
Russian KB Swings
Sit Ups (Toes to Bar)
– rest 1:00 –
8 Rounds – Alt Tabata (:20/:10)
Single Arm DB Thrusters (DB Thrusters) (Thrusters 75/55)
– rest 1:00 –
4 Rounds
:30e Side Plank
:30 Dead Bug or Hollow Hold
:30 Rest
Week 3 Strength –
The same focus as last week, the goal is to recruit a broad range of muscle fibers to contribute to an overall growth of strength. The beginning of the EMOM will inherently be more on the conditioning side while the end you’ll be able to build a little more than last week.
Every 2:00 for 16:00
Set 1: 8 Deadlifts
Set 2: 6 Deadlifts
Set 3: 4 Deadlifts
Set 4 – 8: 2 Deadlifts
Conditioning –
A good goal for each round is around 3:00 – 4:00. Keep that in mind when going through this one. Use caution as to not go out too hard in the beginning and save some fuel in your tank for a nice burst of energy for the last 2 minutes or so.
20:00 AMRAP
200m Run (~:30 Out/~:30 In)
15 Goblet Squats (15 Wall Balls)
12 DB Snatches (Alt DB Snatches) (Power Snatch 75/55)
Conditioning –
Pace the rounds of 3, 6, and 9. Your “workout” will be grinding through the round of 12 and 15. You’ll be rewarded with the smaller rounds again after you finish your 1 set of double unders upon completing the round of 15s. Keep the intensity going strong!
18:00 AMREP
3-6-9-12-15-Double Unders
Single Arm DB Push Press (DB Push Press) (Push Press 95/65)
DB -or- KB RDL (DB Deadlifts) (Deadlifts 95/65)
Burpees (Burpee over DB) (Bar Facing Burpee)
*After the round of 15s complete 25 Double Unders (50) (75) then return to the round of 3s
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