Weekly WOD Insights 1/24/22


Todays strength portion is using more accessory style lifts, but will still provide you with lots of benefit. The goal should still be the same as any other strength session. You want to select a loading to challenge/fatigue the muscles enough to feel like you got a solid strength workout in. Just because the stagger stance deadlift is more of an accessory lift, it does not mean it should be easy. If you have big ambitions of doing a muscle up someday, I would highly advise trying the ring support! It will really challenge your shoulder and midline stability


A.) Every :90s for 12 minutes Alternate between
– Up to one minute of Midline development


Midline options 
Forearm plank (adv weighted)
-Hollow hold (adv weighted)
-Max Cross body v ups (adv V ups)
– Tuck hold (Adv L sit)

Did he make it? Did he fall? The world may never know

B.) 12 Minute amrap 
200m Run
10 Box Jump overs
15 Air squats


Today is all about barbell cycling. The weight should be on the lighter side today as the volume is fairly high and you want to be able to consistently move the entire time. I would base your selection off the movement you have the most trouble with. Just because hang cleans are your jam, doesn’t mean you want to use that as your guide to select your weight. Even though there is a rest built in to todays workout, don’t anticipate it giving you a ton of recovery. It will allow you to push the intensity a little more than usual, but will not be long enough for a full recovery. You’ll notice that there is a dumbbell option as well today for anyone feeling bold enough to try it out! The dumbbells provide a unique challenge as they are a lot less stable than the barbell. If you have never tried these movements with a pair of dumbbells then consider trying it today! Even if it means going lighter than the prescribed weight.


“El Diablo”


2 rounds 
6 Hang Power cleans 75/55 95/65 (8 @ 95/65) (115/75 or DB 45/30)
6 Front squat (Beef 8 @ 95/65) (115/75 or DB 45/30)
6 Burpees ( Beef 8 BFB)
6 Hang Power cleans
6 Front squat
6 Burpees
400m Run or machine equivalent
-Rest 1 minute after each round-


2 Rounds 
6 Power Cleans 75/55 (95/65) (8 @ 95/65) (115/75 or DB 45/35)
6 Thrusters (Beef 8 @ 95/65) 115/75 or DB 45/35)
6 Burpees (Beef 8 BFB)
6 Power Cleans 75/55 (95/65) (8 @ 95/65) (115/75 or DB 45/35)
6 Thrusters (Beef 8 @ 95/65) 115/75 or DB 45/35)
6 Burpees (Beef 8 BFB)
200m Run (Beef 400m)
-1min rest between rounds-


** At some point during the workout**
Rx’d- Complete 2 rope climbs
Adv- 4 Rope Climbs
Beef- 2 legless or short + 2 regular
Bison- 4 legless or short ropes



I really enjoyed Cristinas programming of mobility within the strength portion a couple of weeks ago. As a couple of you may know I am somewhat a fan of mobility, so anytime I can work it into the regular programming I am all over it. I would say the most beneficial mobility movement would be the quadruped shoulder CAR. It will help develop your shoulders fullest range of motion and also aid your shoulder press. In general the overhead movements can be the toughest for people to perform in terms of range of motion requirements. The shoulder CAR will help you better dial in your overhead range of motion. Todays finisher is about efficient transitions. That doesn’t only mean trying to move from movement to movement quickly, but also understanding how the pacing on one movement can effect your transition speed, and h0w quickly you are able to start the next thing. If you go ham on the row, it may effect your transition speed and end up slowing you down in the long run. Aim to move seamlessly between movements!



         A young photo of Boba Fett

A1.) Strict press


A2.) Mobility superset
3 x 4-8 reps
Mobility options


With all of these they are best done slowly. Take your time and try to maximize your range of motion!


B.) 12 Minute Amrap 
14 Dumbbell snatches 45/25 (50/35) (18 alt 50/35 or KB snatch 44+/26+)
10 Hanging knee raises (5 T2B) (10 toes to bar)
12/9 Cals any machine (15) (18)


If you didn’t already know, there is a huge benefit to training at a truly aerobic pace. A truly aerobic pace looks and feels extremely different than a traditional CrossFit workout. The pace should allow you to hold short conversation with someone if you needed to. If you would struggle to do so, then you are most likely not training at an aerobic pace. The goal for today would be to stay at a conversational (aerobic) pace the entire time. If you have a Whoop or an apple watch, that would be even better since they can monitor your heart rate. A simple way to see if you are staying in the right training zone would be to see if you are keeping your heart rate between 65-75% of your max. You can guestimate your max heart rate to be 220 – your age. For example I would project my max HR to be 193. So for this workout I would aim to keep my heart rate around 135ish (its about 70%). You might feel like you didn’t really workout since you won’t be laying on the floor after, but trust me that this type of training will be extremely beneficial to your fitness! Gold stars only for today’s score.


28 Minute clock 
3 Minutes on machine at 65-75% effort
1 minute static hold


Static hold options
-Forearm plank
-Handstand hold
-Dual KB overhead hold
-Wall sit
-Hollow hold


This diagram perfectly illustrates the zone concept. For today we want to be in the weight control and cardio/endurance training zone. The vast majority of crossfit workouts will put you int eh Anaerobic and Max effort training zones. Those are important to train! But we cannot neglect the aerobic zones. Theres a huge amount of untapped potential there!

Todays squats will be focused on time under tension. The aim for today is to control the weight down, and on the way up if you are doing the advanced version. The idea behind tempo is you are utilizing less weight with more time under tension to still get a solid strength session in. If you have never tried the advanced tempo, and consider yourself an adept squatter, then I would encourage you to give it a shot! Todays finisher has the ever so tricky ascending amrep format. The goal is to keep in mind those later sets are going to get pretty tough, so try to keep that in mind from the start of the workout. Even though you can mash on the 3’s, 6’s, and 9’s, try to keep in mind what the latter portion of the workout will feel like!


A.) Tempo back Squat
Rx’d tempo- 30X2
Beef tempo- 3131

8 Minute ascending amrep 
3 wall balls
3 Box jumps
3 pull ups (3 C2B or 6 Pull ups) (6 C2B) (2/1 BMU) (4 BMU)
6 wall balls
6 Box Jumps
3 Pull ups
9 Wall Balls
9 Box Jumps
3 Pull ups
12 Wall balls
12 Box Jumps
3 Pull ups
Through 15’s
Rx’d/Adv/Beef/ Bison
105/ 120 (reg PU)/ 100/95/ 110
Through 18’s
144/ 162/ 138/132/ 150
I think my math is correct….but I am not a math guy.


Since there is no programmed olympic lifting day today, I wanted to still give you all a few opportunities to work in some barbell cycling practice. For todays workout you want to base your weight selection off your shoulder to overhead ability, and not your deadlift. The deadlift should be an extremely light one. Both barbell movements should be done unbroken every time, and breaking between the two for pacing purposes is encouraged (unless you’re doing super bison!)




600m run or machine equivalent (Adv 800)


 3 rounds of bibimbap 


400m Run (Adv 600)


 3 rounds of bibimbap 


400m Run


 3 rounds of bibimbap 


7 Deadlifts 75/55 (95/65) (Adv 115/75 or 40/20) (Beef 135/95 or 50/35) (Super Bison: All BB/DB movements must be unbroken)
6 Shoulder to overhead
5 Down ups (adv Burpee) (Beef BFB)


Today will be a blend of skill and muscle fatigue. The amrap has movements that intentionally make other tougher. Performing the midline fatiguing hanging knee raise makes the front squats tougher since front squats rely on lots of midline stabilization. Also performing front squats can tax the shoulders and in turn make the double unders tougher! Be conscious of these overlapping movements and pay extra attention to your positioning, especially as you become more fatigued. For the odd object/skill work you are welcomed to mix two together since performing something like wall walks can become extrmely fatiguing if you had to do six minutes worth.


3 rounds 
4 minute amrap 
8 Front squats 95/65 (115/75 (135/95)
8 Hanging Knee raises (4 toes to bar) (8 toes to bar)
10 Double unders (20) (40)



-Immediately into-


2 minute clock
Odd object/ skill work


-1 minute rest-


**Pick up the amrap where you left off**


Score the amrap ONLY 


Odd Object/ Skill options 
-D ball/Sandbag over shoulder or carry
-Farmers carry (pick loading)
-Max distance handstand walk
-Max wall walks
-Yoke carry
-Rope climb