Week 4 – WOD Review 9/20/21


Feel free to choose between Front Squats or Overhead Squats. If choosing to do Front Squats, compare how you do to a couple of week ago (9/9) when we last did this. No worries if you were unable to attend, this is your chance to create a baseline for yourself. Conversely, this is a good opportunity to practice/learn the Overhead Squat.


No matter the choice you make, the format will stay the same for both movements. If you are feeling relatively good today, feel free to build to a challenging “5” for the day. If you’re a little slow on Monday’s like I am, feel free to build if you’d like but just be aware that you may not be 100% and maybe take smaller weight increases.


For today’s Part B, you’ll have a choice of how you’d like to go about 60 Calories and 60 Front Squats or Overhead Squats. The only difference between the 3 options is how the repetitions are broken up. If you’d like a fun/challenging workout, I recommend the “1 Rounder”. If you’d like a better overall/well-rounded workout, I recommend either options where the repetitions are broken up. This will allow you to continue moving and not become hindered by the larger sets as you see in the “1 Rounder”. Enjoy!





Front Squat



*2:00 – 3:00 rest in between sets




Overhead Squat



*2:00 – 3:00 rest in between sets





Pick 1:


1 Round

60 Cals

60 Front Squats 75/55 -or- Overhead Squats 75/55




2 Rounds

30 Cals

30 Front Squats 75/55 -or- Overhead Squats 75/55




3 Rounds

20 Cals

20 Front Squats 75/55 -or- Overhead Squats 75/55




In order to create the correct stimulus for the workout. It is important that you select a Power Clean weight where you are able to perform 5 Power Cleans in :30 or less. Additionally, since the Shoulder to Overhead weight in this workout is the same as the Power Clean weight, you must be able to perform 5 Shoulder to Overheads with your desired Power Clean weight. In doing so, this will allow you to maintain a constant state of intensity and an overall more satisfying workout.



3 Rounds


403m Run

10 Box Jumps

10 Power Cleans 75/55 95/65 115/75 135/95

403m Run

10 Box Jumps

10 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 95/65 115/75 135/95




You are presented with three 8:00 workouts today. Each are completely different, so you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to manage/sustain a good 8:00 effort with a variety of movements.


AMREP’s tend to be tricky in the sense that the workout lures you in to moving a bit quicker than you probably should. Typically, in order to assure that I don’t fall into any workout’s “trap”, I always try to leave some extra energy for a good 1:00 effort at the end. Feel free to come up/implement any mental strategies you may have!





8:00 AMREP

2 Wall Balls

70m Run

4 Wall Balls

70m Run

6 Wall Balls

70m Run



– 2:00 rest –





4 Rounds

1:00 Max Cals

:30 Sit Ups -or- Hanging Knee Raises (Toes to Bar)

:30 Rest


– 2:00 rest –





8:00 AMREP

2 Down Ups (Burpees)

70m MB Carry

4 Down Ups (Burpees)

70m MB Carry

6 Down Ups (Burpees)

70m MB Carry





Today you’ll have the opportunity to learn/progress to the Split Jerk. There are Pros/Cons to all of your Overhead Movements (Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk, Split Jerk), but they all assist in the development of one another. The Split Jerk may be a bit more complex as compared to the other Overhead Movements, but don’t let that deter you! Although you may be unable to increase the load as much as you’d like, there are a ton of benefits when it comes to improving your Body Awareness. Understanding how you move and the manner in which you move in can assist in preventing future injuries!


Similar to the past few weeks, you’ll get a choice to solely focus on your weightlifting or add an additional conditioning-stimulus before your lift. If performing the Conditioning Focus, you may add as little or as much extra intensity as you desire so long as you complete a competent lift afterwards. This is great practice for longer workouts that incorporate a bit of weightlifting.


For Part B, feel free to pick any sort of Pulling Movement to be couples with your DB Snatches. Before selecting your Pulling Movement, select a DB Snatch version you are comfortable with first. There are many Pulling Options out there, so feel free to chat with your coach if you have a good idea in addition to the ones listed below! Minimum workout requirement: 3 Rounds





Strength Focus:


Every 1:30 for 15:00

1 Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk



Conditioning Focus:


Every 1:30 for 15:00

:30 Max Cals

1 Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk





10:00 AMRAP

10 DB Snatches 45/25 (50/35) (20 Alt DB Snatches 50/35)

[Insert Pulling Movement Here]


Pulling Movements:

5 Strict Pull Ups

10 Strict Pull Ups

1 Rope Climb

1 Legless Rope Climbs




First you will have to select between a Farmer Carry of Sled Push. The Farmer Carry will challenge your grip/posture whereas the Sled Push will surely contribute to a much higher elevated heart rate. The choice is yours!


Next, decide on how may Single Unders or Double Unders you’d like to attempt.


Lastly, similar to Thursday’s Part B but on a longer scale, you’ll pick a Pressing Movement to insert into your workout. Down below are a few options, but if you have a great idea in addition to the ones listed below, feel free to chat with your coach and get it approved! Bench Press?!?!?!


Minimum work requirement: 3 Rounds



20:00 AMRAP

200m Farmer Carry ~45/25 ~53/35 ~70/53 -or- 140m Sled Push (45/25) (90/50) (135/75)

20 Double Unders (35) (50)

[Insert Pressing Movement Here]


Pressing Movements:

5 Push Ups

10 Push Ups

5 Handstand Push Ups

10 Handstand Push Ups

5 Wall Walks

30′ Handstand Walk




It is important in today’s workout to understand how to manage/sustain a 25:00 effort. 25:00 is a good chunk of time, so if you fail to manage/pace early on, you will most likely not be enjoying yourself towards the end. Typically, I choose 1 or 2 movements where I can purposely slow down and catch my breath. I encourage the same, but feel free to discuss or implement any pacing strategies that you have!


You’ll have about 2:30 – 1:00 on the Calories portion of the workout.



Every 5:00 for 25:00

403m Run

15 Air Squats

10 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (Russian KB Swings 70/44) (American KB Swings 53/35) (American KB Swings 70/53)

5 Burpees

Max Cals in Remaining Time




This workout is great in a sense that it allows you to work your way through a variety of different rep schemes (5s, 10s, 15s, 20s). Each rep scheme requires a different approach, but it’s ok to approach a workout with different strategies! In this case, I would try to make sure I could perform 5 Deadlifts at whatever weight I desire. In doing, it will allow me to constantly move at an even pace. For example, I may be tempted to move really fast during the 5s and 10s but be completely exhausted when I get to the 15s and 20s. When I force myself to drop the barbell after 5 Deadlifts, it ensures my heart rate doesn’t get too elevated. Feel free to chat about different strategies you may use! Enjoy!



18:00 AMREP



Box Jump Overs

Deadlifts 95/65 135/95 185/135 (DB 50/35)