Week 2 – WOD Review 9/6/21
In n’ Out was my inspiration for today’s workout – “Come inside for some Wall Balls and DB Snatches, then out you go!”
Today’s workout isn’t very complex, so it’s your responsibility to manage the intensity! If you feel good, or this is your first workout if the week, I encourage you to give it a good effort. For some, this may be after a few consecutive days of exercise. Regardless, try your bet to maximize whatever effort you can bring!
3 Rounds
403m Run
15 Wall Balls (20) (25)
403m Run
20 DB Snatches 45/25 (50/35) (Alt 50/35)
200m Wall Ball + DB Carry
If you were able to attend last week’s Weightlifting Class, you’ll progress to the Push Press. If you were unable to attend last week, you didn’t miss anything! Everyone has the opportunity to practice/learn the Squat Clean in addition to the Push Press.
Similar to last week, if you’d like to practice your Weightlifting with a little added stimulus, feel free to to choose Option 2!
Strength Focus:
Every 1:30 for 15:00
1 Squat Clean + 2 Push Press
Conditioning Focus:
Every 1:30 for 15:00
:30 Max Cals
1 Squat Clean + 2 Push Press
5 Rounds
10 Goblet Lunges 53/35 (Barbell Lunges 95/65) (Overhead Lunges 95/65)
10 Sit Ups -or- Hanging Knee Raises (6 Toes to Bar) (12 Toes to Bar)
Don’t expect to get very many rounds in any of the AMRAPs. Your conditioning workout today is relatively low in terms of complex movements (you’ll have to focus a bit on the Deadlifts). Meaning, during the short 5:00 time domains, you’ll have to manage your heart rate as you smash through the short AMRAPS. Not too high, and not too low!
5:00 AMRAP
20 Cals
20 Deadlifts 135/95 (185/135) (225/155)
20 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
– 2:00 rest –
5:00 AMRAP
15 Cals
15 Deadlifts 135/95 (185/135) (225/155)
15 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
– 2:00 rest –
5:00 AMRAP
10 Cals
10 Deadlifts 135/95 (185/135) (225/155)
10 Burpees (Bar Facing Burpees)
This week, we’ll move on to teaching/focusing on the Front Squat. As usual, feel free to attempt a different lift depending on your individual circumstances. You still get a choice J.
Same format as last week’s Back Squats. Feel free to build in weight if you are feeling good and confident. If you’re a bit sore, it’s ok to stay on the lighter end of the spectrum and spend a few sets making sure your mechanics are dialed in.
Front Squat
*2:00 – 3:00 rest
Alt Tabata
8 Rounds :20/:10
Double Unders (Triple Unders)
Air Squats (Weighted Alt Pistols 35/26)
A big chunk of this workout will take place during the first section. It may seem overwhelming at first, but once you move into the second section you’ll get a second wind when you realize how close you are do being done. Stay headstrong at the beginning, and it will pay off as you reach the shorter distances and smaller reps.
800m Run
21 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (American KB Swings 53/35) (Russian KB Swings 70/44) (American KB Swings 70/53)
800m Run
21 Wall Balls
403m Run
15 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (American KB Swings 53/35) (Russian KB Swings 70/44) (American KB Swings 70/53)
403m Run
15 Wall Balls
200m Run
9 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (American KB Swings 53/35) (Russian KB Swings 70/44) (American KB Swings 70/53)
200m Run
9 Wall Balls
3 Rounds
403m Run
10 Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95 (Squat Snatch 135/95)
20 Cals (25) (30) (40)
10 Pull Ups (10 Chest to Bars) (2 Rope Climbs) (5 Rope Climbs)
You’ll shoot for about 2-3 minutes of work when you get off your machine. There are a lot of options available down below, so feel free to chat with your coach to mix and match if needed!
20:00 Max Cals
– Every 5:00, starting with 0:00, complete:
200m Run
5 Push Ups (3 Wall Walks) (5 Handstand Push Ups) (50′ HS Walk)
10 Sit Ups -or- Hanging Knee Raises (4 Toes to Bar) (7 Toes to Bar) (15 Toes to Bar)
15 Goblet Lunges 53/35 (70/44) (DB Front Rack Lunges 45/25) (DB Front Rack Lunges 50/35)