Bri Gaipa.
- CrossFit Level 2 Certified Trainer
- CrossFit Mobility
- Eleiko Strength Coach – Level 1
- TRX Certified Coach
- N.A.S.M. Certified Personal Trainer
Bri’s path toward fitness may sound familiar to many. As a California native who grew up in Walnut Creek, she always maintained an active lifestyle during school, excelling in track and field and volleyball. Afterwards, Bri would typically run 2-3 miles/day or glide away on the elliptical machine, with the occasional weightlifting day. Years went by and she still felt that, after all those hours of hard work, her fitness level wasn’t reflecting her efforts. She wasn’t seeing the results she desired and thus, working out became a daily chore.Then in the summer of 2011, Bri was introduced to CrossFit and the results began to flood in. With CrossFit’s approach of making each workout uniquely varied and randomized, working out had become fun again and Bri quickly became addicted. With this new found love, Bri decided to take a step back from bar management and pursue a career in physical fitness, coaching classes in trx, bootcamp, Crossfit, and cooperate fitness. Bri is also a Crossfit competitive athlete, she has competed for Team CrossFit Sweat Shop at the Regional level in 2015, and as an individual athlete in 2016, 2017, and 2018.
Bri is dedicated to giving others the opportunity to find what she discovered in finding CrossFit: a sense of well-being that can only come from finding true life-sustaining fitness, an extremely friendly and supportive community, and the ability to have an amazingly fun time while getting your fitness on!!