Weekly WOD Review – 12/28/20

Monday   25:00 AMRAP 10 Russian KB Swings 53/35 70/44 (American KB Swings 70/53) 8 Air Squats 6 Burpees   - At 0:00 complete a 403m Run (800m)   - At 5:00 complete 30 Double Unders (100) (200)   - At 10:00 complete…

Weekly WOD Review – 12/21/20

Monday   20:00 AMRAP Cals Any Machine Deadlifts 95/65 115/75 135/95 Sit Ups (Toes to Bar) Box Jumps Air Squats Push Ups (Beef: Handstand Push Ups) (Bison: Handstand Push Ups)   RxD: 20 Reps/Movement Adv: 30 Reps/Movement Beef:…

Weekly WOD Review – 12/14/20

Monday   20:00 Alt EMOM 1) 1:00 Max Box Jump Overs 2) 1:00 Max Push Ups (Handstand Push Ups) (Handstand Walk) 3) 1:00 Max Sit Ups (Toes to Bar) 4) 1:00 Max Russian KB Swings 53/35 70/44 70/53 5) :30 Plank   Coaching Notes: -…

The Triple DUB (Weekly WOD Word) 12/7/20

Monday  Rounding off this strength cycle I am cutting it down to threes. The first time we did 3's this month they were paused so you can see if you were here to do them. If you were, you can compare your scores and see if there's a big discrepancy between…

Weekly WOD Insight 11/30/20

Monday  I wrote a workout a couple weeks ago that seemed to be "well received" by many. So I decided to bring back the triple couplet format with a bit of a twist. You'll be getting a little rest after each couplet so I am hoping this encourages…

Weekly WOD insights 11/23/20

Monday    I am hoping you guys can build from last weeks loading. The idea behind doing a halting rep is to reinforce good leg drive in the clean or snatch pull. A lot of the time we get fixated on the pull under the barbell (which is…

Weekly WOD insight 11/16/20

Monday  JB implemented some hang work to really refine bar-path and ensure you guys were aware of your lat engagement. For my block I want to reinforce leg drive. This is something very simple but sometimes overlooked when it comes to cleans…

Weekly WOD Review 11/9/20

https://vimeo.com/477039339 MONDAY "The Beer Flight" 10 Rounds 200m Run or Row or 10 Cal Bike 6 Box Jumps (Beef: 8) 6 DB Snatches 45/25 or 3 Power Snatches 75/55 (ADV: 50/35, or 3 Power Snatches 95/65) (ADV+ Squat Snatch) (Beef: 3 Squat Snatch…

Weekly WOD Review 11/2/20

https://vimeo.com/474560920 MONDAY 3 Rounds 400m Run or Row or 20/15 Cal Bike 6 Power Cleans 95/65, 11575, 135/95, 15 Double Unders or 40 Single Unders (ADV: 30) (Beef: 50) 6 Power Cleans 95/65, 11575, 135/95 200m Run or Row or 10 Calorie…