Weekly WOD Review 7/5/21


On this “holiday after a holiday” chipper, those going rxd and adv have an option to partition the long run as you see fit. For you aggressive runners, today is the day to go UNPARTITIONED (my fav new crossfit word). For most, this workout should take 20-25 minutes whereas the 1.5 mile runners and beefy reppers can expect to go a couple minutes longer. For this chipper, the weight on the bar should be something you can link in 2’s or 3’s consistently or with very quick singles. I encourage those of who have just started to attain toes to bar to go for the adv reps, even if going singles. You will be extra fresh doing them first. If you go bike, expect it to be a minute or so longer than rowing and feel free to up the weight a little if you are a ground to overhead beast. I look forward to seeing you crush this and post how you decided to do the run. UNPARTITIONED is automatic beef status. Get it!

30 Situps or HNK (ADV: 15 T2B) Beef: 30 T2B)
10 Burpees (ADV: 15) (Beef: 15 BFB)
30 GTO 75/55, 95/65, 115/75 (Bison: 10 @ 115/75, 10 @ 135/95, 10 @ 155/105)
10 Burpees (ADV: 15) (Beef: 15 BFB)
30 Calories of choice
10 Burpees (ADV: 15) (Beef: 15 BFB)

@ some point Run 1600m Run
(Beef: 1600m Run UNPARTITIONED)
(Bison: 1.5 Mile Run Unpartitioned)

This 5 rounder has a work time of around 3:30-5:00 per round with 2 minutes rest. Over the years, many of you have learned that the “rest” doesn’t always equal easier as you will just push harder. This logic stays true here, but one potential relief today is that wall balls are the first movement off of the rest! I expect you all step into each set of those with a little more authority than if we didn’t have that rest. I encourage those using bands for pullups to choose assistance that will cause a little struggle on last rep but will still be unbroken. As alway on these interval style workouts, calculate your splits to see how you did across each round.

5 Rounds
15 Wall Balls (ADV: 20) (Beef: 25)
10 Box Jumps (ADV: 12) (Beef: 12 BJO)
5 Strict Pullups (ADV: 7 Strict Pullups) (Beef: 10 Strict Pullups) (Bison: 3/2 Strict MU)
400m Row, Run, Ski, or 20/15 Cal Bike (Beef Row: 500m) (Beef Bike: 25/20)
-Rest 2 Minutes-


For this 4-week oly cycle, rx’d will be utilizing the “liftoff” drill for one of the two reps. A liftoff demo can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZwdUQNx50Q .The purpose of the clean/snatch liftoff is similar to a clean/snatch deadlift in that we are ensuring we are maintaining posture and driving through the legs vertically on the first pull. The only difference is rather than pulling it super slow like in a deadlift, we focus on pulling it up with your normal tempo for each lift. The conditioning cycle will also be the same as well for 4 weeks. For those of you going conditioning option, 3 minutes might  seem like a lot of time but it will go fast for 5 reps, even if going fast singles. Since we are aiming to increase weight each week, treat this week as a baseline and go with super manageable weight jumps.

Strength Option
Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes
1 Clean or Snatch Lift Off + 1 Clean or Snatch
1 Clean or Snatch

Conditioning Option
Every 3 minutes for 15 minutes (5 Sets)
200m Run or Row + 5 Squat Cleans or Snatches (Ascensing)

For Time:
80 Calories of Choice
*Every 2 minutes, get out and do 5 KB Swings 53/35, 70/44, 70/53 or 3 DBall or SB Over Shoulders.

We are going to keep this triples and 10+ format for 4 weeks. The idea is to keep building heavy and finishing with some stamina at moderate weight. The final 10+ just means “at least 10”. This will force you to push mentally in a different way (getting control of heart rate, breathing, and creating tension), but don’t push beyond 20 reps here. Again, use this week as a baseline.

22 Minutes to complete A and A2
A.) Back Squat or Front Squat or Overhead Squat
1×10+ @ 70-75% of your best triple

A2.) 3×5-10 Ring Rows, Strict Pullups, or Weighted Strict Pullups)

AMRAP in 7 Minutes
7 Deadlifts 135/95, 165/115, 185,125, 225/155
5 Pushups (ADV: Ring Pushups, Ring Dips, or HSPU)
70m Run

AMRAP in 7 Minutes
7 Deadlifts 225/155, 275/185
15ft HS Walk (Extra Bison: 30ft)

Coach DJ is the king of the descending minute AMRAPS, so in spirit we will do 8-7-6 minutes but keep the movements the same. I am shooting for 3 rounds in the 8 and 7 minute section, and 2 for last section. Keep note that each section is a NEW amrap score not starting where you left off. Things will get grippy so make sure you are smart with giving yourself some rest off of the bar.

AMRAP in 8 Minutes
12/10 Calories any machine (ADV:15/12)
5 Power Cleans 95/65, 115/75, or 135/95 (DB Option: 40-45/20-25, 45-50/25-20, 50/35)
4 Front Squats 95/65, 115/75, or 135/95 (DB Option: 40-45/20-25, 45-50/25-20, 50/35)
3 Shoulder to overheads 95/65, 115/75, or 135/95 (DB Option: 40-45/20-25, 45-50/25-20, 50/35)
10 Double unders or 30 Single Unders (ADV: 15) (Beef: 25)

-REST 2 Mins-

AMRAP in 7 Minutes
Same as above, start over.

-REST 2 Mins-

C.) AMRAP in 6 Minutes
Same as above, start over.


Calories of choice
Goblet Lunges 45/25, ADV: 50/35, Beef: Single Arm Overhead DB Lunge 50/35
*1 Rope Climb, 3 Devils Press 35/20, 5 Pullups, 5 C2B, or 3/2 Bar or Ring Muscle Ups after each set


Each round should be around 4-7 minutes depending on running and barbell options.
3 Rounds
800m Run or Row
20 Situps or Hanging Knee Raises (ADV: 10 Toes to Bar) (Beef: 15 T2B) (Bison: 20 T2B)
14 DB Snatches 45/25, 50/35, 70/40
70m Farmer Carry, SB Carry, or Sled Push (Choose weight you can go non-stop).

*Barbell Option:
12 Power Snatches 75/55 (ADV: 10 @ 95/65) (Beef: 8 Squat Snatch 115/75) (Bison: 8 SQSN @ 135/95)

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