Weekly WOD Review 6/10/19

The focus of this workout is to maintain constant movement throughout the entire time domain. Pick a weight for the shoulder to overheads that you can confidently complete unbroken every time you approach the barbell. Try using the hanging knee raises/sit ups/toes to bar and box jump overs to catch your breath and prepare for the shoulder to overheads coming right back up. There is about 7-8 minutes of cardio to break up the AMRAP a bit, so you’ll have roughly around 13-12 minutes to AMRAP.
A) Skill Session
6:00 Alt EMOM
1) Lower Body
2) Pulling/Posture
20:00 AMRAP
9 Shoulder to Overheads 75/55 95/65 (11 reps at 115/75)
7 Hanging Knee Raises or Sit Ups (5 Toes to Bar) (9 Toes to Bar)
5 Box Jump Overs (Beef: 7 Box Jump Overs)
0:00 – 603m Run
10:00 – 750m/500m Row
0:00 – 1000m/750m Row
10:00 – 800m Run
0:00 – 1000m Row
10:00 – 800m Run
*pick up where you left off
**one total score
I encourage those that are still fairly new to squat cleans go with the doubles option. You’ll be able to more practice and adjust the load of your barbell accordingly. If things don’t feel quite right, I recommend taking the squat cleans from the hang position and then progressing back down to the ground when you feel more comfortable. Now, If you’re comfortable with squat cleans, I recommend going with the “across” version at roughly around 85%. You’ll get some good stimulus with a moderate – heavy weight.
Every 1:30 for 15:00
2 Squat Cleans
Adv: 1 Squat Clean ~85%
7:00 AMRAP
10 Alt KB Goblet Lunge 53/35 (10 Alt Barbell Lunges 95/65) (14 Alt Barbell Lunges 115/75) (14 Alt Barbell Lunges 135/95)
15 Double Unders (35) (55) (65)
I always enjoy writing workouts that are simple in nature with relatively simple movements. The focus for today’s workout will be on how much you want to put in and get out of it! You can go as fast/hard as you feel comfortable going (within reason of course) or you can use today’s workout as an “active recovery” workout. Regardless of which you choose, try and stay consistent across all rounds!
20:00 Alt EMOM
1) 1:00 Max Cals any Machine
2) 1:00 Max DB Snatches 45/25 50/35 (Alt 50/35)
3) 1:00 Max Burpees (Beef: Lateral Facing DB Burpees)
4) 1:00 Rest
*Adv and Beef: Start in reverse order
This workout is similar to 3/9/17, so check back and see if you did it! Heads up though, the workout for today is modified from the exact workout a couple of years ago. If you would like to test out what you did back in 2017, go for it! But for the most part, I made some modifications to the deadlift weight and overall volume as our programming is always evolving to create workouts that are safe/effective/fun!
Deadlift weight should be something that you can complete in no more than 2 sets, try and catch your breath on the box jumps, and then keep those feet moving on the run! 5 Rounds it no east task, so this is a good one to test out your mental self-talk! Enjoy!
A) Skill Session
6:00 Alt EMOM
1) Pulling/Posture
2) Midline
5 Rounds
403m Run
10 Deadlifts 135/95 (12 reps at 155/105) (12 reps at 185/135) (15 reps at 185/135)
10 Box Jumps (12) (12) (15)
*compare similar to 3/9/17
Today’s focus: strength! For a majority of class, you will focus on building that leg strength and including some accessory work to improve shoulder health and pulling strength. Single arm work is always a good way to build independent strength from one arm to the other, so keep that in mind when doing your single arm rows! For the finisher, pick a partner and alternate each minute for 10:00! The clock will continue to run so transitions will be key here!
Front Squat
Single Arm DB or KB Row
3 x 10e
10:00 Partner Max Cals any Machine
*alternate every 1:00
Ladder chipper! There are many variations to the workout, but my goal is for this one to take 17-22 minutes. Approach the workout by focusing on one movement at a time, check it off the list, and then move on to the next one. 
403m Run (603m) (800m)
18 Wall Balls (21) (27)
15 Power Cleans 95/65 (18 reps at 115/75) (21 Power Snatches 115/75)
12 Burpees (15 Bar Facing Burpees) (18 Bar Facing Burpees)
9 Pull Ups (12 Pull Ups -or- 9 Chest to Bars) (15 Bar Muscle Ups -or- 12 Chest to Bars)
800m Run
9 Pull Ups (12 Pull Ups -or- 9 Chest to Bars) (15 Bar Muscle Ups -or- 12 Chest to Bars)
12 Burpees (15 Bar Facing Burpees) (18 Bar Facing Burpees)
15 Power Cleans 95/65 (18 reps at 115/75) (21 Power Snatches 115/75)
18 Wall Balls (21) (27)
403m Run (603m) (800m)
Tabata Thrusters (8 Rounds :20/:10)
RxD: 75/55
Adv: 95/65
Beef: 115/75
– 1:00 rest –
Tabata KB Swings (8 Rounds :20/:10)
RxD: Russian 53/35
Adv: Russian 70/44
Beef: American 70/53
– 1:00 rest –
Tabata Burpees (8 Rounds :20/:10)
– 1:00 rest –
Tabata Cals any Machine (8 Rounds :20/:10)
*Adv and Beef: Reverse Order
**Score each part separately
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