Weekly WOD Review 1/13/20

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This was programmed around a year or so ago. I like this one as a regular re-test as there are multiple movements you can adjust and gauge improvement on whether you scale up or down the doubles, gymnastics, weight or run. As always, you can also keep everything exactly the same you did last time and compare your current lungs with last year. 

Compare 1/26/19

800m Run
15 Double Unders or 30 Single Unders or 15 Jumping Air Squats (30 DU) (60 DU)
7 Pullups (ADV: 10) (Beef: 10 C2B or 6/4 Bar or Ring Muscle Ups)
8 Clean and Jerks 95/65, 115/75, 135/95

403m Run (ADV: 600m)
Same as above
Beef: 155/105

200m Run (ADV: 403m)
Same as above
Beef: 165/115

70m Run (ADV: 200)
Same as above
Beef: 185/125

Check out this Catalyst athletic post on olympic lifting titles “The Right Way, Wrong Way, and That Way” before Tuesday’s class. While we constantly strive to improve everyone’s lifts in some manner, sometimes, one fix for a person may not be what another needs fixing. This article speaks about the obvious, more broad ideas, but also to not look too far into what helped another person as well. This might help you understand why we give specific cues to address different issues and also, why the bigger obvious issues need to be addressed FIRST before looking at other details. Part B and B2 shouldn’t be touted as “PR or bust” given the olympic lifting before. However, I do like re-visiting simple, standard movement benchmarks so you can keep learning and getting better. With respect to class size, feel free to start on either part first. 

A.) EMOM for 15 Minutes
2 Squat Clean or Snatch
ADV: 1
Row 500m T.T. or 25/20 Cal Bike T.T.REST 2 Minutes
Max Push-Ups, HSPU, or Distance HS Walk in 2 Minutes

For Rx’d and ADV, this is your classic 20 minute AMRAP intensity, keeping a constant steady work pace for 20 minutes. Beef/Bison reps are higher so the intensity will be a bit lower from a need to break up the set. If you are a regular beefer, and you want a faster paced workout. If you haven’t gotten on the bike lately, get on them today! 

Rx’d + ADV
AMRAP in 20 minutes
10 Wall Balls (ADV: 12)
10 DB Snatches 45/25, (ADV: 50/35 or 7 Power Snatch 75/55)
10 Situps or Hanging Knee Raises (ADV: 6 T2B)

15 Wall Balls (Bison: 20)
15 DB Snatch 55+/35+ or 75# Power Snatch (Bison: 20 of either)
15 Toes to Bar (Bison: 20)

@ Some Point:
(1) 200m Farmer Carry, D-Ball or Sandbag Carry
(1) 20/15 Cal Bike or 25/25 Cal Row

While both rep/set variations on squats are ascending, the “5-3-1” set up is for those looking for a a heavier day. Like last week though, the heavy single shouldn’t be the only number you care about today. Take 2-3 solid work sets for 5s, 3s, and 1s.


Back Squat
Ascending, sum of best 4 sets.ADV: 5-3-1
Sum of best of each.
Ascending AMREP in 6 Minutes
2 Deadlift 75/55, 95/65, 115/75 (DB Option: 35/15, 45/25, 50/35)
2 Barbell Lunge 75/55, 95/65, 115/75 (DB Option: 35/15, 45/25, 50/35)
2 Shoulder to Overhead 75/55, 95/65, 115/75 (DB Option: 35/15, 45/25, 50/35)
70m Run
70m Run


4 Rounds
403m Run
10 Hang Power Cleans 95/65, 115/75, (Beef: 12 @135/95), (Bison: 12@ 155/105)
10 Down Ups (ADV: Burpees) (Beef: 12 BFB)
1 Rope Climb (ADV: 2) (Beef: 3 or 2 Short)

*(2) 70m Sled Push @ some point 45/25, 90/45, 135/90


For this workout, 1 person works at a time and can be spit up however throughout the workout. The relay Row/Run fillers are like 2 weeks ago in that you have to both be done with the relay before moving on to the AMRAP. One total score for this workout. Most of the previous partner AMRAPs have been with short sets. This will workout’s bigger sets will force teams to be smart in breaking up the reps. 

Partner Saturday

21 Minutes AMRAP
40 Wall balls
30 Box Jumps
40 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (ADV: 70/44) (Beef: American 70/53)
30 Pull-Ups (Beef: C2B)

*2x400m Row or Run @ 0:00
*2x400m Row or Run @ 10:00


I like challenging our skills under a slight bit of fatigue. This part A is a nice little test of what you can do with an elevated heart rate but I’ve added more skill options than I’ve done in the past. For the EMOM, shoot for a weight on thrusters that you could at least get 10 reps in each set. 

7 Minute Clock
800m Row or Run :
Max Reps Push-Ups, Ring Dips, HSPU, Toes to Bar, or Muscle Ups

@ Minute 10:00

Alternating EMOM for 12 minutes
Max Calories any Machine
Max Reps Double Unders
Max Thrusters 75/55, 95/65 (Beef: DB 53/35)

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