Weekly WOD Insights 2/11/19

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As always, I’d like all folks to work with extra care and focus on the skill work today. Shoulder taps should be slow and controlled, handstand holds should be extra “tight” with full body tension upside down, and if you do the foot taps, maintain hollow. I think coupling with a hollow hold will help the brain/body connection, but only if you go into those with that specific intent. If you have handstand walks or are just at a couple comfy steps, go ahead and give them a go here. Don’t worry too much on the time to get the distance done, simply use that 6 minutes to get as many quality attempts in. Similar to the workout I programmed on 1/22, I am shooting for the same “high intensity interval” style effect for part B. When choosing a squat clean weight, it should be comfy and quick in the warm-up. If you decide on the rower, keep in mind that it will be a little more taxing on the legs than running. These workouts are good to track your splits each rounds so you can learn about how well you managed the workout intensity. Viewing your splits can also give you feedback on what you couldn’t yet handle or where you could have gone a bit harder.

A.) Skill Work
Alternating EMOM for 6 minutes
– 20-30 sec Shoulder Taps, Handstand Hold, or Handstand Hold With Foot Taps
– 20-30 sec Hollow Hold ground or hanging on bar (modified if needed)

ADV: EMOM or E2MOM for 6 minutes
5-30 Foot HS Walk 😉

7 Rounds
200 Meter Run or Row (ADV Row: 250/200m)
5 Squat Cleans 95/65, 115/75, 135/95, 155/105
6 Pullups (ADV: 7) (Beef: 7 C2B)
-Rest 1 minute b/t rounds-

I’ve programmed this little 7 minute pre-workout before with max reps in the time remaining. For a fun challenge, I thought it would be nice to choose one option and do it for time. While you’ll still not want to go out too hot, I think knowing how many reps you are going to do when you come in gives you an added push on that cardio portion. After you finish, take notes on how it went and if you chose the right effort on the buy in. Did you go out too hot, or was there room to push it sooner or later?

For time with a 7 Minute Cap
Buy in: 800m Run, Row, Ski, Air Runner or 2k Bike

THEN (Choose only one below)
-15 Double Unders or 30 Singles (ADV: 30) (Beef: 60)
-12/9 Pushups, 15/12 Pushups, 12/9 Ring Dips, 15/12 Ring Dips
-10/20/30/40 or 50 ft HSWalk

3 Minute Rest

FGB Style
4 Rounds NO REST
-Max DB Snatches 45/25, 50/35, 70/44 (Barbell Option: 75/55)
-Max Box Jump Overs
-Max Burpees

We’ve finished up our 6 week cycle of tempo squatting and we hope you learned a little bit about your squat in that time frame! That being said, six weeks, and only 1 time a week is simply just a “kickstarter” for your squat. The more you do them the more  significant changes you can make to your squats, however, we wanted to give you all a taste of what the tempo format could do for you. If you found a benefit, please keep them going and if you have any questions on how you can integrate them into your program, ask a coach. so those of you who found benefit in it can continue to do them. For part B, I’d like those row intervals for seasoned/competitive rowers to be near full efforts each time. For those newer or have not had much work at this distance, try to choose a pace that you could match or improve slightly by 2-5 seconds in succession. Save the info to your notes on your average pace here for future training/attempts.

A.) Back Squat
Ascending Sets

Alternating DB Z-Press

Stagger second wave start at 3 minutes (use second timer if needed.)
Every 5 Minutes for 10 Minutes (2 Sets)
500m Row



Every 1:30 minutes for 15 minutes
2 Squat Cleans or Snatches
(ADV/BEEF: 20/30 DU + 2 Squat Cleans or Snatches)

DB Walking Lunges 45/25
*5 Strict Pullups after each round

DB Walking Lunges 50/35
Burpees (Beef: Lateral Burpees over DB)
*ADV: 5 Strict Pullups or 4/2 Bar or Ring MU after each set
*Beef: 8 Strict Pullups or 6/4 Bar or Ring MU after each set


A.) Static EMOM for 6 minutes
1-:30s inverted pull up hold, ring row hold, chin over bar
2-:15s Side Plank Each Side (ADV: Star Plank or Adductor Plank)

18 Minute AMRAP:
7 Wall Balls (ADV: 9) (Beef: 12)
7 KB Swings 53/35, 70/44, (Beef: 9 70/53)
7 Hanging Knee Raises OR V-Ups (ADV: 5 T2B) (Beef: 7)

Rx’d: Buy in with 50 Cal Row
ADV: 50 Cal Row @ minute 8
Beef: 60 Cal Row @ minute 12


Hoping the rain stays away here. If not, there will be some rain alternatives!
ADV+BEEF go in reverse

3 Rounds
8 Power Cleans 95/65, (ADV: 10 @ 115/75) (BEEF: 10@ 135/95)
403m Run

3 Rounds
8 Shoulder to Overheads  95/65, (ADV: 10 @ 115/75) (BEEF: 10@ 135/95)
1 Rope Climb or 8 Ring Rows (ADV: 2 Rope Climbs) (Beef: 2 Regional or Legless)

15 Double Unders or Single Unders (ADV: 30 DU) (Beef: 50)
15 Calorie Row (ADV: 20) (Beef: 25)


Partner AMRAP in 21 minutes
1 Person runs 400m while the other works on AMRAP. Switch when back from cardio

3 Pullups (ADV: 5) (Beef: 5 C2B)
5 Deadlifts 155/105, 185/135, 205/135, 225/155
7/5 Pushups (ADV: 7) (Beef: 9)
9 Air Squats (ADV+Beef: 12)

@ some point, both partners must go for a 200m object carry together (one person holds a KB while the other holds a DB). Once back in, continue where you left off.

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