Weekly WOD insights 12/9/09


I personally like to have workouts on Monday where you just move. I like to call them: Monday movers. Thats what I like to think of this workout as. Its just a workout where you move for a while. It is a repeat workout so check back to see if you did it when it was last programmed. Also take into consideration what your training was like when you last did it and what your training is like now, so you can know what to expect!
4 Rounds                *Compare 4/24/19*
10 Burpees (adv 15) (Beef 20)
403m Run
10 Russian Kb Swings 53/35 (adv 15 russian swings 70/44) (Beef 20 Am. swings @ 70/53)
200m Run (Adv 403m Run)


Remember that there will be hanging knee raises/T2B in the workout so when you’re selecting a midline movement I would avoid anything that has a similar pattern. There will be short little rests sprinkled in to this workout and my intent behind that is to have you guys push a little more than usual. Also the last interval of work is a bit shorter than the rest of them, its kind of like a light at the end of tunnel!


A.) 6 min alternating emom
1- Pulling
2- Midline


B.) 18 Minute Amrap 
8 Hanging Knee raises (4 T2B) (8 T2B)
8 Shoulder to overhead 95/65 (Adv 115/75) (Beef 10 @ 135/95 or DB 50/35)
10 Box Jumps (12) (14)


*at minutes 4, 9, and 14, rest for one minute*


Go ahead and match a Kb to your DB for the farmer carry’s. For Beef folks you’ll probably be doing an unbalanced carry (don’t worry it is intentional). For the lunges they will just be with one dumbbell.


A.) Front Squat    *Compare similar 11/29/19*


B.) For Time 
25 Dumbbell Snatches 45/25 (adv 50/35) (Beef 30 alt 50+/35+)
70m Farmer Carry ~45/25 (~50/35) (~70/53)
25 Dumbbell Lunges 45/25 (adv 50/35) (Beef 30 Overhead lunges 50+/35+)
70m Farmer Carry
400m Row or Assault Bike 22/16 Cals


*Adv/Beef Start with Cardio*

Vic demonstrating a very functional use of the farmers carry

Lets be real, theres no comfortable way to carry a med ball. Anything is fair game as long as you’re carrying it with you for the whole 403m (no you can’t kick it down the hill!). If you despise the sled then today is your lucky day, you can opt for a sand bag or d ball carry, and whats this…..one less….what a deal!


 3 Rounds
403m Med Ball Carry 20/14
18 Wall Balls (adv 24) (Beef 30)
15 Box Jump overs (18) (21)
1 Rope Climb (2 rope climbs) (2 Legless or short rope)


*at some point perform 3 (70m) sled pushes 25/empty (50/25) (75/50)*
*perform 2 (70m) D-Ball or Sand bag Carries*


If you fancy yourself a good olympic lifter, I would try your hand at some halting cleans. They will challenge your upper back strength and stability a lot more than regular cleans. They can also really help dial in that sweep we so often talk about. The finisher today is all about inensity so hit it hard! Choose a weight on the bar that will allow you to finish the work in the set time period. If barbell cycling isn’t your jam, do the KB version! It’ll still be plenty effective.


A.) 12 minute emom
2 cleans
Adv option 
1 Halting Clean (halt at the knee) + 1 regular Clean


4 sets 
:30s to complete
KB deadlifts (one KB) 53/35, 5 Russian Swings, 4 Push ups

-:20s rest-

Bust out your barbells its time to cycle some reps

:30s Max cals
-:20s rest-


Adv/Beef/Bison version 
4 sets 
:30s of max Cals
-:20s of rest-
:30s to complete
5 Deadlifts, 5 Hang power cleans, 4 S2O 95/65 (115/75) (135/95 or DB 50/35)
-:20s of rest-


*score cals*
For today you can opt to do the longer runs even if you don’t see yourself as an advanced runner. Just recognize that you will have less time on the Amrap, which is totally fine if thats your goal!


A.) 6 Min emom
1- Pressing
2- Midline


B.) 20 Minute Amrap
8 Burpees
10 Hanging Knee raises (Adv 5 T2B) (Beef 10 T2B)
15 Double unders or 30 singles (adv 25 DU) (Beef 40 DU)


*At min 0, 5, 10, 15 Run 403m (Adv 603m)*
**Pick up where you left off after each run**


The goal for today is not to punish you but rather encourage you all to see if you can give consistent effort. Please do not sandbag either score in an effort to try and get less burpees. Hit it hard and see how well you can replicate that time!


B.) 2 rounds 
40-30-20-10 (adv/Beef 45-35-25-15)
Calories Any machine
Power Cleans 95/65 (115/75) (135/95)


-Rest 3 minutes and repeat-


*Keep track of each rounds time separately, the difference in time in seconds (faster or slower) between the two, will be the amount of burpees each pair has to do*

Grab a buddy and attack todays workout!!!

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