Week 1 – WOD Review 8/30/21

Optional 4-Week Accessory Workouts:

If you have a little extra time before or after class, feel free to tackle one of these workouts. All four workouts will take 8:00 – 10:00 and will be available for the next four weeks. Also, all movements are relatively simple or easy to learn!



3 Rounds

1:00 Barbell Bicep Curls 45/35

1:00 Barbell Shoulder Press 45/35

1:00 Max V-Ups



8:00 AMRAP

20 Cals

20 DB Suitcase Walking Lunges



4 Rounds

:30 Max Knee Tucks

:30 Plank

:30 Max Pike Leg Lift Overs

:30 Rest



For Quality:

30-50 Strict Pull Ups

*Band/Scale as needed

*Take as many sets as needed

*10:00 Time Cap







Generally, there are two options you can take when you see “5-5-5-5-5” as a strength workout. Some folks enjoy staying at one weight that is light to moderate for all of their sets. This is great in a sense that it essentially develops a solid foundation of strength. Once that foundation is established, most individuals will choose to increase the weight each set. In doing so, these folks generally reach weights that are moderate to heavy. Feel free to base your decision off of how you feel when you come to the gym!





Back Squat


*rest 2:00 – 3:00 in between sets




For Time:

30 Cals (40) (50)

30 Wall Balls (40) (50)

200m MB Carry




This workout is a Thank You to one of our members, Paige Chivers. As some of you may know, I often ask members to “test” some workout ideas for me. Being the amazing athlete that Paige is, she volunteered and somehow convinced me to create this workout if she helped me. Enjoy!



“Paige’s Turn-Pager”




5 Rounds

403m Run

10 Power Cleans 95/65 115/75 135/95


– rest 2:00 –




5 Rounds

10 Cals (12) (15)

10 Burpees (12 Bar Facing Burpees) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)




As in the past, for the next four weeks you’ll have a choice to pursue a Strength or Conditioning Focus when it comes to weightlifting. The Strength Focus is essentially that; you’ll focus on the mechanics of the lift and spend most of your mental efforts trying to practice and move as well as possible! The Conditioning Focus is for people who would like to practice their weightlifting with the addition of an elevated heart rate that is similar to your typical CrossFit workout. This option is great in a sense that you’ll gain confidence lifting certain weights under fatigue.





Strength Focus:

Every 1:30 for 15:00

2 Squat Cleans


Conditioning Focus:

Every 1:30 for 15:00

:30 Max Cals

2 Squat Cleans




9:00 AMRAP

20 Air Squats (40) (20 Alt Pistols)

70m Farmer Carry ~45/25 ~50/35 ~70/53

20 Double Unders (40) (60)





18:00 AMRAP

20 Russian KB Swings 53/35 (25 American KB Swings 53/35) (30 Russian KB Swings 70/44) (35 Russian KB Swings 70/53)

20 Box Jumps (25) (30) (35)

20 Sit Ups (25 Sit Ups) (30 Toes to Bar) (35 Toes to Bar)

200m Run




Today’s workout blends a significant cardiovascular stimulus with your ability to perform STRICT gymnastic movements. Although these are not the most “appealing” workouts, these workouts are important as it focusses on your ability to stick to your fundamentals when your heart rate is elevated.


3 Rounds

20 Cals (30) (40)

8 Strict Pull Ups (12) (15)

403m Run

10 Push Ups (5 Wall Walks) (15 Strict Handstand Push Ups)




Who doesn’t love interval training?! You’ll perform your rounds quickly while focusing on limiting your transitions between movements and learning how quickly and EFFICIENTLY you are able to move. The more efficiently you can perform your movements, the MORE energy you’ll have to throw at this workout!


5 Rounds

5 Burpees (10 Bar Facing Burpees) (15 Bar Facing Burpees)

10 Thrusters 75/55 (15 Thrusters 75/55) (15 Thrusters 95/65)

403m Run

– rest 1:00 –




To avoid any confusion, you will perform your 8 Pull Ups, 1 Rope Climb, or 2 Short Rope Climbs after each round. Although the repetitions for the Cals and Deadlifts change, the repetitions for your Pull Ups or Rope Climbs will stay the same.




Deadlift 95/65 135/95 185/135

*8 Pull Ups (1 Rope Climbs) (2 Short Rope Climbs)






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