Dumbbell 101

Standard DJ.

Dumbbells in the open?! Yes, for the first time ever dumbbells have been announced to be included in this year’s open! Or Castro could be messing with all of us…either way! Here are some workouts you can run through on your own or with some equally “excited” friends of yours. First off, here is the dumbbell weight for each division…


50 lb. (22.5 kg)

35 lb. (15 kg)

Other Divisions, including Masters 55+, Teenagers and Scaled

35 lb. (15 kg)

20 lb. (10 kg)

10 lb. (5 kg)

As for some workouts that you could get started with…

Workout 1

12:00 Alt. EMOM

1) :35 Max Rep DB Thrusters

2) :35 Max Cal Row

Workout 2

12:00 AMRAP

5 DB Shoulder to Overheads

7 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars)

9 Box Jumps

Workout 3

9:00 AMRAP

15 Alt. DB Snatches

30 Double Unders

Workout 4

18:00 AMRAP

20′ DB Walking Lunges

8 Toes to Bar

20′ DB Walking Lunges

8 Burpees

Workout 5

15:00 AMRAP

50 Cal Row

40 Wall Balls

30 DB Snatches

20 Box Jumps

20 Pull Ups (Chest to Bars) (10 Muscle Ups)

Workout 6


DB Thrusters

Pull Ups

If you haven’t done some of these movements (ie. DB Shoulder to Overheads or DB Thrusters) make sure to start off with some lighter dumbbells just so you can get a feel for them. Warning: they are SIGNIFICANTLY different than a barbell! As you run through these workouts, remember to use this time to gather information as well and not just blow yourself out. Gather the intel so you can use it when the time comes in the open! Enjoy!

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