Kinetic Chain Deadlifts

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By now many of us have have attacked 18.4 and as per usual the Open has exposed a weakness we should aim to improve: heavy deadlifting. For many many of us, the deadlift was our first exposure to a lower body compound movement. When you think…

3/29/18 WOD Review (brought to you by icy hot)

Monday With weightlifting, it's really important to understand and feel the movements. When a coach gives you an adjustment, try and really be aware of how it felt before and after the adjustment. A good goal is to try and make every rep…

Farewell Ryan!

  Next week Ryan will be leaving Walnut Creek, and California for Omaha Nebraska!  I feel fortunate to have gotten to know Ryan and it's been really fun having him at the Sweat Shop for the past year.  I also feel fortunate that Ryan…

Conditioning your Skills

As some of you start to add more skills (muscle ups, pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, handstand push ups, rope climbs, etc...) to your bag of tricks, the next step would be to use them in workouts! One thing that I try to remind folks is that…

18.3 Highlight Video

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18.3 is in the books, this was a fun workout to watch for sure! Great job to everyone who competed this past week and a big shout out to those of you who worked hard on getting those muscle ups. Whether you got a muscle up or not, the effort…

Got Stability?

The past couple of weeks we have had some exciting moments in the Open. We have seen people smash Clean PRs AFTER performing 55 dumbbell squats and bar facing burpees! Some have even got revenge on the much dreaded double unders that have given…

Weekly WOD Insights 3/12/18

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Lot's of first time muscle upper/handstand pushup/walkers lately. Or damn near close calls. Keep up the great work on the part A skill work! MONDAY Bring on the RAIN! Sweat Shop Tahoe trip soon? Enjoy the outside and ultra-violet vitamins while…

18.3 Warm-Up and Tips

18.3 is a nice little test of double under prowess and gymnastics skills! Nabil posted a nice active warm-up and tips to think about after he did the workout yesterday. Check them out below! Good luck to everyone this weekend! 18.3 Warmup -Flat…

Competing after the Open

As we approach the halfway point of the 2018 CrossFit Open, I can see the competitive fire being lit inside a lot of you guys! First and foremost, I hope you all are having fun getting the opportunity to test your fitness with whatever Dave…