WOD Review 2/1/21

https://vimeo.com/506970658 MONDAY Folks are free to start on any portion that they want first! 3 Rounds 400m Run (ADV Runners: 600m) 10 DB Snatches 45/25 50/35 or 6 Power Snatches 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, (Bison: 5 135/95 Squat SN) -rest 2 min- 3…

Weekly WOD Review 1/25/21

https://vimeo.com/504252547 MONDAY 5 Rounds 403m Run or Row (ADVm: 500m row) or 20/15 Cal Bike (ADV Bike: 25/20) 12 Box Jump Overs (ADV: 15) 12 Shoulder to overheads 75/55, 95/55, 115/75, 135/95 6 Pullups or core work* (ADV: 8 Chin Over or…

Weekly WOD Review 1/18/21

https://vimeo.com/501652041 MONDAY 800m Row ----- 3 Rounds 20 Wall Balls (ADV: 25) (Beef: 30 Wall Balls) 15 Sit-ups, Tuckups, V-Ups (ADV: 8 T2B) (Beef: 12 T2B) 15 DB Snatches 45/25 (ADV Alternating: 50/35) (10 Barbell Power Snatch: 75/55) (ADV:…

Weekly WOD Review 1/11/21

https://vimeo.com/499066292 MONDAY 5 Rounds 400m Run or Row or 20/15 Cal Bike (ADV Row: 500m, ADV Bike 25/20) 20 Double Unders (ADV: 30) (Beef: 50) 10 Hang Power Cleans 95/65 or 35-40/15-20 DBs (ADV: @115/75 lbs OR 45/25 lbs DBs) (Beef: @…

Weekly WOD Review – 1/4/21

Monday   3 Rounds 30 Cals (40) (50) 20 DB Step Ups 45/25 (30 DB Step Ups 50/35) (40 DB Step Ups 50/35) 10 Burpees (20) (30)   *Only 1 DB needed for today's workout   Coaching Notes: - I’m shooting for about 5-8 minutes…

New Year, New Coach

This week Braydan completed the shadowing portion of his training process and starting next week will be coaching classes!  For those that don't know, Braydan starting working out at the Sweat Shop seven years ago!  He is now a college student…